
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Your Sales Teams and Our Marketing Teams Working Together
  • Business
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Your Sales Teams and Our Marketing Teams Working Together

More often than not, your sales team and our digital marketing and SEO teams can be delicately intertwined. These teams are three of the most closely connected departments and proper coordination is essential to improve the outcomes for everyone.

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3 Tips To Create The Perfect Meta Description
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

3 Tips To Create The Perfect Meta Description

There are a few elements of SEO that you need to pay close attention to in order to grab that website ranking you have always dreamed of. Among these elements, one that demands quite a bit of attention is the meta description. The meta description is like a movie trailer. The better the trailer, the more the crowd is interested in watching a movie.

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Google Confirmed “Broad Core Update” Algorithm Update
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  • SEO and Search Marketing

Google Confirmed “Broad Core Update” Algorithm Update

Have you noticed your ranking as-of-late have been fluctuating over the past week and a half? Probably yes, and that is because Google has confirmed that a "Board Core Update" to their algorithm has been made. Hooray!! At least for most of you doing the right thing. Reaping the rewards? Suffering the losses? What do you do? Read on.

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301 Vs. 302 Redirects: Deciding the Better of Two for SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing

301 Vs. 302 Redirects: Deciding the Better of Two for SEO

Often, while browsing, you might have come across a common code that reads "Error 404". This is what is called an HTTP response status code and indicates the response of the web server to the URL that has been requested. HTTP response status codes instruct both search engine crawlers and the browser on how to handle the request. HTTP response status codes are also called redirects and interestingly, they can be utilized for better SEO.

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How to Optimize Content for a World Driven by Voice-Tech?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How to Optimize Content for a World Driven by Voice-Tech?

Typing in keywords to get a list of relevant results on search engines is something that has always been there. This forms the very premise of SEO, which is used widely by brands to drive traffic--both organic and paid-- to their website.

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4 SEO Mistakes That Can Cost Marketers Their Business
  • SEO and Search Marketing

4 SEO Mistakes That Can Cost Marketers Their Business

The owner of every business, big or small, should be able to savvy the importance of SEO in today's competitive digital space. Already a lot has been said and talked about the dynamic search engine algorithms, which make SEO no less than a cut and dry method of boosting digital presence.

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The Power of Local SEO And Why You Should Use It
  • SEO and Search Marketing

The Power of Local SEO And Why You Should Use It

Nothing needs to be said about the importance of content optimized for search engines. However, one thing that is not being utilized to its maximum potential is local SEO. Local SEO increases your visibility in the local market across various locations and can prove to be a powerful tool to establish your business somewhere. Here are some reasons why you should try it too.

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4 Reasons for Entrepreneurs to Focus on Understanding SEO in 2018
  • SEO and Search Marketing

4 Reasons for Entrepreneurs to Focus on Understanding SEO in 2018

Are you an entrepreneur? Have you been wondering how to use the growing influence and reach of the Internet to stabilize and grow your business? One of the biggest challenged for entrepreneurs is to keep up with the latest technology, marketing, and networking trends. The latest trends in all these are related in some way or the other to digital media and marketing. How can you make digital marketing work for you?

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5 DIY SEO Tips You Need to Follow
  • SEO and Search Marketing

5 DIY SEO Tips You Need to Follow

DIY SEO can be a tricky affair, but sometimes it’s a preferred method of pushing your business ahead in the digital space, especially when you are running it on a shoestring budget. While an SEO consultant has the expertise and experience in the field, they might be out of your budget at the beginning of your venture. DIY SEO is a suitable option as the reins will be in your hands. After all, nobody is likely to care about your business as much as you do.

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4 Things SEO Professionals Should Always Keep In Mind
  • SEO and Search Marketing

4 Things SEO Professionals Should Always Keep In Mind

Surviving in the highly competitive world of search marketing is something not all brands can do. SEO professionals handling these brands in the digital space are often facing a tough time pushing their websites higher in SERPs. The whole process often resembles a trial-and-error method of putting inputs and measuring outputs against key performance indicators. But in reality, SEO is more than that.

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