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How To Come Up With An Effective Content Marketing Strategy
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How To Come Up With An Effective Content Marketing Strategy

Burned Out Of Ideas On How To Come Up With An Effective Content Marketing Strategy? One of the most effective ways to launch an outstanding digital marketing campaign is to have a content marketing strategy that works. Content is the key element to a campaign that can successfully engage your target audience and result in profitable conversions for you.

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How does 2018 Look for SEO?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How does 2018 Look for SEO?

As 2017 is nearing an end, digital marketers maybe apprehensive about the new year, which usually comes with new challenges and new rules. Search marketers especially are wondering how the coming year will be for SEO.

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Four Tips To Target The Right Keywords For SEO Success
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Four Tips To Target The Right Keywords For SEO Success

Keywords are gaining increasing importance as SEO is becoming a survival factor for brands in the digital space. The essence of SEO is the keywords which users type into the search box. As search engines are becoming stricter in terms of the type of content they rank, brands can't afford to underestimate the importance of well-researched, well-planned keywords.

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Decoding The Online Shopping Surge
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Decoding The Online Shopping Surge

The festive season has just bid us adieu but the festive hangover refuses to leave us. The gala celebrations with family, the joy of festivities and binging on delicacies has remained the same over the years.

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How Good Content Enhances SEO And Drives Traffic To The Pinnacle
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How Good Content Enhances SEO And Drives Traffic To The Pinnacle

The whole confusion between search engine optimization and content marketing is taking new turns while some of us just sit and ponder, how different are they from one another? The whole question of whether they go parallel with each other or not have made a lot of people sit down and think. The coherence of SEO and content marketing is all that takes to drive the traffic to the positive side of the spectrum.

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Four Simple Tips That Can Help A Hotel Website Succeed In The SEO Game
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Website Design

Four Simple Tips That Can Help A Hotel Website Succeed In The SEO Game

Like any website of any business, a hotel's website's objective is to drive conversions. But it won't be possible if a hotel business ignores website optimization. As 55 percent of business travelers and 60 percent of leisure travelers use search engines while planning trips, hoteliers can't afford to ignore the power of SEO. Search engines help them drive organic traffic to their website. It's a great option for them because it can lower their customer acquisition cost to a great extent.

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4 SEO Mistakes That Ruins Your Blog (And How To Stop Making Them)
  • SEO and Search Marketing

4 SEO Mistakes That Ruins Your Blog (And How To Stop Making Them)

You have finally come up with an amazing blog that's not visually appealing but highly informative. It has a great design and incredibly friendly interface. But is that what you need for higher search rankings? Well, this is where most marketers go wrong. SEO is entering a whole new paradigm as a result of Google's dynamic algorithms and present-day technological advancements.

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4 Common SEO Myths
  • SEO and Search Marketing

4 Common SEO Myths

Search engine optimization or SEO, despite being a strategy that is being increasingly used in marketing is still a relatively new concept and like all new concepts, SEO is surrounded by its share of myths as well. For a person who is new to SEO, these myths can make it seem pretty confusing. Take a look at the common SEO myths.

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Worrying About Your Own Alexa Ranking Is A Waste Of Time
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe

Worrying About Your Own Alexa Ranking Is A Waste Of Time

Is the Alexa ranking of your own website worth worrying about? Or would you be better focusing your efforts elsewhere? In this article we'll explore how Alexa collects ranking data, why you shouldn’t worry about your ranking and why you should use an alternative tool for insights on your competitors.

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How Your Business Can Generate More Revenue By Simply Improving Your Website’s SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How Your Business Can Generate More Revenue By Simply Improving Your Website’s SEO

If you find your business struggling or maybe just want a little boost in generating leads, optimizing your website’s SEO is a great idea. Improving your search engine optimization will bring in more traffic to your website, which means generating more leads. This eventually means more customers, leading to a boost in revenue.

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