
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

The Future of Search Engine Optimization
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

The Future of Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is taking over the World Wide Web. With millions of searches being made every day all over the world, it becomes imperative for businesses to leverage the power of SEO.

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Get the Best Out of SEO with these Tricks
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Get the Best Out of SEO with these Tricks

Search engine optimization is a great tool to increase traffic to your website. But, SEO will only be successful if you know how to implement it properly. So, how do you get the best out of the SEO you create?

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Learn How to Measure the ROI of Social Media Marketing
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Learn How to Measure the ROI of Social Media Marketing

Return on Investment or ROI is a performance measuring tool used to gauge the efficiency of an investment. ROI evaluates the returns generated by a particular strategy or technique as compared to the costs involved in implementing it.

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Tips on How to Work with Influencers
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Tips on How to Work with Influencers

An influencer is a person with an impressive online presence who has the capability to influence the behavior and opinion of your target audience. They are social media personalities and bloggers, who have built a remarkable following over a period of time.

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What is Search Engine Marketing?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

What is Search Engine Marketing?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a type of Internet marketing through which a website or application promotes itself by raising its visibility in search engine results via some form of advertising.

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Why do I need help with SEO?
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Why do I need help with SEO?

What we love the most about our clients is their entrepreneurial spirit.  We have clients from every walk of life, from every end of the spectrum, big and small.  When they come to us in need of help with SEO and digital marketing we notice that they need help for two reasons.

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5 Tips to Target Your Audience Better
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

5 Tips to Target Your Audience Better

“Choose your customers, choose your future” goes a popular saying. Defining who your customers are and how to target them for your brand determines the future of your business. Focusing all your marketing energies on the defined set of customers is more useful than scattering it all around, since everyone is not your customer base.

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Impact of Machine Learning on SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Impact of Machine Learning on SEO

Google uses RankBrain, a machine learning tool that contributes to search engine results. It gives them the ability to understand search results that it hasn’t dealt with yet. There is an estimate that 15% of the search results every day are totally new. Using machine learning, Google is able to serve better content to its users. As the use of machine learning increases, let's take a look at how it will impact Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

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The Relationship Between Ad Blocking and Content Visibility: What Does it Signify?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

The Relationship Between Ad Blocking and Content Visibility: What Does it Signify?

No wonder why ad blocking created such a ruckus among online marketers in 2016. Viewed from Gartner's 2016 Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing and Advertising, ad blocking is a positive catalyst to bring about a change in the type of campaigns run online. But ad blocking signifies a deeper issue in reality- a strained relationship between users and publishers where a lack of value and communication has created audience dissatisfaction.

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