How to Optimize Content for a World Driven by Voice-Tech?

How to Optimize Content for a World Driven by Voice-Tech?


Typing in keywords to get a list of relevant results on search engines is something that has always been there. This forms the very premise of SEO, which is used widely by brands to drive traffic, both organic and paid, to their website.

It won't be wrong to say that using search-heavy and relevant keywords for optimizing content for SEO is the key to survival in the digital space. But the recent times have witnessed a shift in the SEO process, especially after voice search technology came into the picture.

Google reported that 20 percent of all mobile searches are voice-based, and the number is expected to rise. This means that brands have to now optimize their SEO strategies to keep pace with this growing trend. Unless they optimize their content for voice, it's highly unlikely that they will be able to reap desired benefits.

Here are a few factors to consider while creating content for voice search:

Conversation: Understanding intent of consumers is of particular importance in voice-search because conversational search is on the rise. Google reports that Google Assistant receives 70 percent of queries in natural language, which is very different from the text they usually enter in search engines. 

Content and context: In a voice-first world, it's important to create content that adheres to traditional SEO practices and can be recognized by voice engine. Creating content that answers your users' queries when asked in a conversational tone is a good way to succeed in voice search.

Machine learning, local and mobile: A combination of artificial intelligence, machine learning and hyper-local targeting can be voice search highly accurate. Converging machine learning, mobile and local can boost user experience and push search ranking of brands higher.

If you wish to create voice-optimized content, here are a few tips to follow:

Make the intent conversational

Words like “what”, “who”, “where”, “when”, “why” and “how” are parts of conversations that consumers have. You should find long-tail keywords and phrases that incorporate these words, and create content that's customized for voice search. You should also target long-tail keywords and use them in your web content for reaping better results.

Focus on mobile and local search

Creating content that's optimized for mobile devices is the first step in succeeding in the voice-search game. Mobile-optimized content and mobile-friendly web layouts can make a huge difference by pushing up websites on SERPs. You also have to focus on local SEO for reaching to the local market through voice search.

Consider natural-language processing

Using semantics is a good way to make sure your content meets ranking marks. Creating content in a conversational style and using natural-language processing can make searches faster and easier for your users. Doing so makes you more relevant because your content will be able to answer their queries in a much better way.

The above tips can help you create content that works well in a voice-driven digital world and get the best out of your digital marketing efforts.

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