The Future of Search Engine Optimization

The Future of Search Engine Optimization


Search engine optimization is taking over the World Wide Web. With millions of searches being made every day all over the world, it becomes imperative for businesses to leverage the power of SEO.

While SEO was initially used to make search engines more efficient, we are now seeing a drastic change in the way it is being used today. The year 2017 is going to see some major headway in how businesses use SEO to boost their visibility. Some of the trends that we will continue to see this year include:

Mobile optimization

With smartphones becoming common these days, it becomes imperative for marketers to use mobile phone applications to enhance the performance of their SEO efforts. With people being constantly on-the-move, most purchases and data browsing happens on smartphones and tablets. It becomes necessary now to use mobile search engine optimization to drive traffic and sales. Tools like mobile directory searches, push notifications and more can be extensively used to link content found in one portal to another.

The rise of social media

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other forms of social media are gaining prominence in digital marketing. Advertisers and marketers have now realized what a powerful tool social media can be in marketing products and services. Some of the top listings in Google searches these days constitute social media posts. Marketers can now use SEO to link posts on social media to their websites or advertisements. Moving traffic from one portal to another will become much easier now.

Using voice search

If you are an iPhone user, you may have used Siri. This particular feature uses voice search to help users find what they are looking for. Optimizing voice searches will go a long way in generating traffic to websites. When people are multi-tasking, voice search becomes the most convenient way to browse for information. Google Now and Cortana are other examples of technology that works on voice search.

Resurgence of videos

Videos are making a comeback in 2017. Research has shown that websites with videos generate more traffic than websites with static texts. Additionally, businesses can now supplement their social media posts and website content with videos which are tagged and optimized to link to their sites. When search engine crawlers index pages, they visit all links, URLs and any other connections you have made available. The more connections you build using various platforms, the higher the chances of your business being visible.

Growth of content aggregation

Collating content from various sources will help businesses improve their ratings. When users see content sourced from reputed, high-authority sources, they are more likely to visit your website again. Additionally, search engine optimization can help hyperlink websites to each other. Usage of the same keywords will also help increase click rate.

Location optimization

By optimizing their location, businesses ensure that their address gets indexed as well. When this happens, the business is thrown up as a result when someone searches using only the geographic location as a keyword.

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