
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Why is Blogging Important for B2B Marketing Success
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Why is Blogging Important for B2B Marketing Success

Publishing blog posts consistently on your website or your hosted blog space is the best way to gain domain authority, mindshare, a stake in the thought leadership space and of course a formula to keep the Google algorithm happy. Blog posts allow you to reach out to your potential customers by continuously offering value and quality.

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Why Should You Consider Influencer Marketing To Boost SEO Efforts?
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Why Should You Consider Influencer Marketing To Boost SEO Efforts?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a very minuscule part of your digital marketing efforts to boost website visibility and rankings. As digital media is gaining momentum, different forms of marketing have emerged to deliver meaningful results. One such concept is influencer marketing, which is complementing digital media efforts of marketers in a big way.

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The Digital Media Trends That Will Lose Substance in 2017
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

The Digital Media Trends That Will Lose Substance in 2017

Since the dawn of digital media, marketers are actively involved in finding ways to leverage this emerging media. Social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter have been used to connect with audiences across the globe.

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4 Reasons Why Video Marketing is Extremely Important
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

4 Reasons Why Video Marketing is Extremely Important

If content is king, then video content is the purest of the royal bloodlines. Ask any marketer about the video and they would tell you that the ROI on video marketing is extremely high.

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How can You Improve Your Cross-Channel Marketing Campaigns?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How can You Improve Your Cross-Channel Marketing Campaigns?

It is an oft-repeated saying that today's marketing efforts and content creation can’t be kept restricted to just one or two marketing channel. No channel can exist in a silo and no channel can be ignored. However, this certainly doesn’t mean that the same content has to be replicated across multiple channels.

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5 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid Doing in Online Marketing
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  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

5 Common Mistakes You Should Avoid Doing in Online Marketing

Although Online Marketing is one of the best ways today to connect with your prospective clients, its power and influence also makes it one of the most difficult marketing methods to use.

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SEO Trends That Will Keep You Ahead of The Competition in 2017
  • SEO and Search Marketing

SEO Trends That Will Keep You Ahead of The Competition in 2017

By now it’s a well-established fact that SEOs are extremely powerful tools in creating interest on the net for you web-content. However, SEO creation is a very dynamic matter, and trends keep changing with the changing algorithms of search engines.

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Common Challenges that Marketers Face Today in Online Marketing
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Common Challenges that Marketers Face Today in Online Marketing

2016 saw a huge rise in the popularity of Online Marketing. As we draw towards the end of this year, we can see that Online Marketing will become more popular in 2017 as well. However, although it has so many benefits and is a great way to market your services, it still has its challenges and problems that you’ll have to overcome using your creativity.

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SEO Trends to Look Out for in the Coming Year
  • SEO and Search Marketing

SEO Trends to Look Out for in the Coming Year

SEO has become the lifeblood of businesses, its importance cannot be stressed enough. Since the algorithms and search patterns are constantly changing, it is important to keep yourself updated regarding the changes in SEO trends.

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