
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

5 Simple Ways to Get Your Reader Hooked to Your Content
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

5 Simple Ways to Get Your Reader Hooked to Your Content

Have you ever felt that despite your best efforts, you are somehow not there yet? You are following the content writing tips dished out by the content marketing mavens, you have been using the right scheduling software and best CMS solutions, you have also been engaging with your probable readers on social media and asking them to subscribe to your email list; but somehow, it doesn’t feel enough because you are failing to see a considerable increase in the readership of your blog posts website copies.

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Why should B2B Content Marketers Also Use Storytelling Techniques?
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Why should B2B Content Marketers Also Use Storytelling Techniques?

Although there is a fundamental difference between B2B and B2C marketers insofar as the target audience is different, the expectations are slightly different, the fact that businesses need hard proof and don’t always need a narrative or a background story while individuals love emotive stories. However, at the end of the day both the end targets are humans and humans love stories!

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Why Should You Focus More on Conversion Rather Than Simply Building Traffic?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Why Should You Focus More on Conversion Rather Than Simply Building Traffic?

Are you facing a situation where your website is getting enough traffic but you are failing to drive conversion? It may indicate a need to rethink and tweak your strategies. It needs to be clarified at the outset that you will need to get the balance right if you want to increase your chances for success.

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How Can Small Businesses Find and Use Micro-Influencers?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How Can Small Businesses Find and Use Micro-Influencers?

If you are a small business owner who is looking to leverage the benefits of influencer marketing, you may do well by starting with micro-influencers. Micro-influencers who have a following among a small but highly targeted section of your target audience can create brand visibility, engage your audience, promote services and products among a highly targeted and motivated audience that matches your customer persona and also promote your contests, trade shows and events. All this can be achieved within a small budget.

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How to use Internal Links In Your Content for SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How to use Internal Links In Your Content for SEO

It’s no mystery that content is king for Search Engine Optimization. Anyone that writes content knows that you have to cater your writings to both your audience and search engines.

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5 Copywriting Tips That Will Help You to Master Professional Level Content
  • SEO and Search Marketing

5 Copywriting Tips That Will Help You to Master Professional Level Content

Copywriting is an extremely difficult art to master. Writing professional level copies is even more difficult. Today, customers look at most advertisements with suspicion and don’t like tall claims. For me-too products in homogeneous markets, highlighting the USP of the products is not easy.

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Common PPC Campaign Mistakes and Their Solutions
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Common PPC Campaign Mistakes and Their Solutions

Are you still trying to fathom why your last PPC campaign failed? Do you want to know the factors that determine the success of a PPC campaign? Then you have come to the right place. You need to understand PPC ad campaigns and get your strategies right if you want to see quantifiable results.

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Common Blogging Mistakes That You Need To Avoid
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Common Blogging Mistakes That You Need To Avoid

Blogging is an essential tool for driving user engagement and gaining useful customer insights.  Your blog can also help you to connect with your peers and other social media opinion leaders, an important aspect of modern marketing strategies.

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How to Optimize YouTube Videos for Higher Ranking?
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How to Optimize YouTube Videos for Higher Ranking?

YouTube videos are a great way to attract attention and market your products and ideas, albeit subtly. You don’t need to sell your products using YouTube but you can definitely create videos that address queries of your target audience. Tutorial videos have historically been a great hit with YouTube loyalists.

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The Importance of Consumer Insights in Online Marketing
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

The Importance of Consumer Insights in Online Marketing

There are multiple advantages of creating a customer-led online marketing campaign. Customer behavior and insights can help you to shape your marketing strategies, get a realistic estimate of returns that you can expect from your campaigns or how well a campaign is being received.

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