
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

What is a digital marketing persona?
  • Client Resources
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

What is a digital marketing persona?

For any company and marketer, one of the most critical notions is understanding the marketing persona. Who are you targeting?

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LinkedIn marketing
  • Client Resources
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

LinkedIn marketing

LinkedIn is the best place for a B2B marketing strategy. This blog breaks down four strategies to amplify your LinkedIn marketing efforts.

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Want to know what’s scary? Not using Google Analytics
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  • News & Events
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • Website Development

Want to know what’s scary? Not using Google Analytics

Snakes, spiders, witches, gobblins and monsters are all scary, but what is even more terrifying? A business without a way to track, measure and analyze their strategies.

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PART 2: Google Analytics 101
  • Client Resources
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

PART 2: Google Analytics 101

Google Analytics provides a better understanding of digital marketing strategies that are being set and followed by any full service digital marketing agency.

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PART 1: Google Analytics 101
  • Client Resources
  • Website Development

PART 1: Google Analytics 101

This blog breaks down Google Analytics for clients logging into the backend of their website!

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FAQs during the proposal stage
  • Business
  • Client Resources
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

FAQs during the proposal stage

A website can launch in less than a month depending on three main factors. What are these factors?

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