LinkedIn marketing

LinkedIn marketing

LinkedIn continues to be recognized as the social media platform for professional relationships. It is estimated that 90 million senior-level influencers and 63 million decisions markers are using LinkedIn! As a company who sells their products to other companies (B2B), LinkedIn is the best place for marketing, but what kind of strategies should any professional be using? 


The most common question our client’s ask is about hashtags. “Do we need them?” “Can we use more?” “Why do you use them?” Hashtags are used to categorize content on social media platforms. If the hashtag is #marketing all content that uses #marketing will be categorized under that hashtag. 

On LinkedIn, the demographics are business professionals, owners and decision-makers. Often times, companies worry that a hashtag looks unprofessional. They are still professional because a post is trying to reach a larger audience that the current one on the LinkedIn page. 

However, hashtags have had a rocky road in the LinkedIn world. In 2017, hashtags started appearing again on desktop and mobile posts. This is where the confusion has been created within the community. 

The strategy behind LinkedIn hashtags? Our Omaha marketing agency has noticed that one to four is best and other marketers who we speak with at events agree! Anymore than that is overkill and will not help increase traffic or reach. 

A helpful tip from the leading Omaha marketing agency: the less followers you have when using hashtags with a million posts the less likely your content will be shown! 

What should you do? Use one large hashtag and two niche hashtags! Now, time for the Gary V. strategy! 

$1.80 Strategy 

The $1.80 strategy is one that Gary Vaynerchuk has found success when it comes to his social media profiles. What is his advice? “My advice was to find the top performing posts in your space by searching relevant hashtags or looking at the “top posts” in your area- and add your “two cents” in the comments. 

What does this mean? Engage with other companies and leaders in the same industry as your company. However, this is a large amount of time for Gary to do this. He states to do this about 90 times a day! A marketer, company or others in the company can start to share their own point-of-view with the article. This can help to create a conversation and even get a follow back in there! 


Video is going to be key in 2020. Video content is easy to consume and allow for a large amount of content to be expressed within seconds! It is estimated that 56 percent of Internet users consume videos on social media platforms! LinkedIn recently released a Beta test of LiveVideos on their platform! 

Those who are using it are having great success! LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social media platforms are craving videos on their platforms. Overall, videos consistently have a better reach and engagement! (Engagement on platforms is what social platforms are all about!) Now, what about copy-write? 

Long-form content 

OkDork’s Noah Kagan did the hard work for us and researched over 3,000 blog posts on LinkedIn. Yeah, 3,000 posts. Bless you. What did Kagan notice? Longform content continues to be the best option when it comes to LinkedIn. 

Here’s the type of content he found worked the best: 

Titles with 40-49 characters

Eight images within a post! 

Do not add links to other platforms (YoutTube, Vimeo or social) 

“How-to” in title did better than other titles

Add H1, H2, H3 if possible! 

People prefer content of 1,900 to 2,000 words long! 

Let’s focus on that last finding. More and more blog posts that are longer are tending to perform better than others! 

On average, those with more words are doing better! In a world where attentions are only grabbed for seconds at a time, long form content still reigns! On average, LinkedIn feeds are seen nine billion times. That is 36 billion impressions per month and 468 billion per year; however, only three million users share content! 

The consensus? Our Omaha marketing agency states that LinkedIn is still the best place for a B2B company to sell and market their products. Yes, use hashtags and keep creating that long-form content that provides an answer to their questions! 

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