Want to know what’s scary? Not using Google Analytics

Double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and cauldron bubble witches are flying and casting spells to save those businesses without Google Analytics. The black cats are scared for those businesses who cannot show a return on investment during a board meeting. 

Google Analytics provides the insights needed for those crucial meetings and without it, a business is just throwing money at the full moon. This is why we gather around the cauldron for a saving spell for a business without a  Google Analytics account. 

1. Where is the traffic coming from?

First things first, a website without Google Analytics might not even know how much monthly traffic is coming to their website! It is imperative to understand who is coming to the website and exactly where from. How would a business know without their Google Analytics account?

 It honestly scares us at Monstrous Media Group when a client comes to us for the first time and explains that they have no way to track or measure data, but have been spending copious amounts of money on marketing efforts with nothing to show. Any digital marketing agency should think that this is some witches spell because that is what is seems like. 

2. ROI 

The biggest question that any of our digital marketers get is, “What’s the ROI?” Without conversions, who knows what the ROI is?! At our digital marketing agency, conversions are the most important aspect of Google Analytics. This is because from the moment a client sits down with our Digital Marketers, a conversation about KPIs and business goals is the first task on the list. 

Even if the goal is as simple as, “more contact us forms filled out” without Google Analytics this simple goal would never be shown. How would a business know their ROI is worth the investment in digital marketing strategies? The goal section can be triggered by those hitting the Contact Us page and the final trigger is the form being filled out which shows as a goal in Google Analytics now. 

A business who is spending thousands of dollars on social media management, digital marketing, rebranding or website maintenance should ALWAYS understand the goals being tracked and measured. 

3. Trial and Error 

Did that PPC ad work? Only the witches know at this point. A business without Google Analytics will be struggling to understand which efforts bring in a better conversion and lead generation. A simple switch in advertisement could be the money saving, lead generation difference for a business. 

4. SEO 

Search Engine Optimization strategies is how a website will rank in search engines overtime. A business will be sleeping with the zombies without proper SEO strategies set in place. The more organic traffic that is brought to your website overtime the more credible your website is within Google’s standards. Without proper backlinking, content strategies, SEO, social media management and other strategies, a business can spend all the money they want on PPC but it won’t keep the bugs out of your website. 

5. Who are our visitors? 

Who exactly are your visitors? Are they new, recurring, unique? What about their demographics? You aren’t sure?! 

First question, “Who is your target audience?” Still not sure? This is going to be a tough one. A business needs to understand their target audience is 20 to 50 years old, with X average income, gender and interests. A website could get 10,000 visits a month, but if searchers are not converting to consumers, it might be time for a business to research their visitors. But, a business cannot do that without Google Analytics. See our panic now?! 

Witches brew and bat wing stew, come taste the better side of the business life. So disguise yourself and your website, come at midnight to our digital marketing agency. 

We will optimize from dusk to dawn, ‘til our your business is blessed with a second sight! 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

