PART 2: Using Quarterly reporting for ROI

PART 2: Using Quarterly reporting for ROI

Our Omaha social media marketing experts sift through reports and analytics each month and quarter. There are  different metrics out there for a business to analyze and it can be overwhelming. What does our Quarterly Social Media Report tell clients? 

This blog will break down last week’s reporting 101 on how to analyze and utilize these metrics to help understand KPIs and a Return-of-Investment. 

Traditional versus digital marketing 

Traditional marketing is still alive. Often times, businesses are more willing to spend copious amounts of money on a magazine advertisement with little to no hope of a ROI showing, but will continue to spend the money. Why is that? The magazine company could have a ridiculous amount of subscribers and is distributed to all the major companies within the local area. 

As Lyfe Marketing shows in this picture, it can cost over $1,000 to have a spot in a top-rated and well-known magazine. A PPC ad or Instagram ad can cost anywhere between $5.00 a day to $25.00 a day for the duration of your pleasing! (That is estimating it VERY high.) Why not spend $200 and have the ability to track all PPC ads or analytics from social to the website instead of hoping for a ROI with a print magazine. 

There are over 3.5 billion Google searches a day. 3.5 billion. Yes, that is correct. For example, a magazine has a large amount of subscribers and is distributed to every major business in the city, but there only close to one million people in Omaha. If there were exactly one million people, Google still outbeats the traditional marketing efforts. 


Why do companies often times say there is no ROI with digital marketing? Because they are not sure how to set realistics KPIs. 

What are your KPIs? 

The first thing that should always be understood is the overall goals and KPIs. Often times, clients come in with some pretty generic goals in place and that could be used for ANY of our clients. 

“Get more leads.”

“Increase followers.”

“Get more contact us forms filled out.”

“Promote services.” 

This is fine to begin with, but this is why our digital marketers request each quarter to have a sit down or phone call with business owners and decision-makers. Last quarter, the goals could have been to increase Instagram following by 10 percent or increase website traffic. 

Our marketers will not know this without some measurable goals and KPIs set in place. Do not have any or are unsure at the moment, that is also fine! 

This is how to take the reports our marketers send out, analyze them and turn them into goals that have been reached. 


Quick, list off some of the top brands you can think of. It is pretty easy to do. A consumer can easily correspond a logo or a feeling with a brand because they have established themselves in the industry. 

Our marketers explain to clients that it takes about seven times before a consumer will even start to remember your brand. From there, it takes about 15 times for this person to consider you a trustworthy industry leader. 

As Forbes states, “When Kraft bought Cadbury for $19.5 Billion what did they buy? The chocolate? The factories? The recipes? The candy makers? No, they bought the brands.” 

Yes, the company did purchase the chocolate, the factories and everything else that correlates directly with the Cadbury business and brand. Kraft bought another reputable company and Cadbury more than likely went to Kraft for the same reason. They are a well-known industry leader. Branding, branding and more branding. Our experts will shout this from the mountain tops. (If there were any, just pretend here.) 

In Q3 Monstrous Media Group’s Twitter reached 1.5 Million Twitter users. Google Analytics shared our blog on their Twitter page. This all brands us to others. Google Analytics WILL NOT ever just share a blog or piece of content that is worth sharing and putting their name on it. 

This means that 1.5 million people just got a first impression of Monstrous Media Group and our rockstar Omaha social media marketing and content marketing efforts! The next step, keep posting and fostering that industry leader and brand awareness. 

Total Reach 

As stated in last week’s blog, the total reach is the actual amount of people or unique users who saw, interacted or engaged with our content. Let’s say that client X had a total reach of 20,000 users. This means that 20,000 users associated their content on their Twitter page. 

This means it could have been their first, seventh or 15th time seeing your Twitter profile. No matter what, this is some serious gains! What does this reach?

Brand Awareness

Website Traffic

Lead generation possibilities

Audience engagement

That is the possibility for 20,000 lead generation, website traffic and audience engagement to increase. The higher the reach, the better the possibility for all of these common KPIs and ROIs.

Website Visits 

The website is the biggest factor of all of this. The overview our experts provide is the basics of Google Analytics. If Q2 had 10,000 website visits but Q3 has 31,000 then obviously something is working. This can be due to a responsive website, social media presence, content marketing efforts or a strong brand. 

As anyone knows, the more consumers who reach the better the possibilities are for conversions and new consumers. Now, if goals are set for the contact-us form to be filled out X amount of times per quarter. This is a goal that can be set-up in Google Analytics.

Traffic Source 

This shows EXACTLY where the most traffic is coming based on the strategy our Omaha social media marketing agency has set in place. The right platforms really make ALL the difference when it comes to providing a better ROI. 

The traffic source will show in more detail who is coming to the website based on these other methods: 

Referral: This is where people are coming to your website from someone else’s website. This could be a backlink on their blog, service pages or any other page on their website. If you are credible enough for backlinking, it is working. 

Search: This means more people have found your website from keywords being searched in Google which is what our marketers are targeting. All of that organic strategy is working well with Google and the website. 

What does this mean? This means that the website is being promoted and ranking in Google! The higher the ranking the more credible it is in Google’s eyes and the ability for EVEN more lead and contact us forms to be filled out. 

In Q4, what are your business goals? Current clients, contact us to set in place measurable goals with other digital marketing strategies our company offers! How about PPC or content writing?

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

