
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

What is bounce rate?
  • Client Resources
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

What is bounce rate?

The business can access this account at any moment to see how their website traffic is doing, goal conversions and other analytics. More than likely, a client will notice what is called a bounce rate. This is one of the biggest questions out there for a business or client pertaining analytics.

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What are KPIs?
  • Business
  • Client Resources

What are KPIs?

How can a business set realistic S.M.A.R.T goals with our help?

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Marketing for Generations: Gen X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Gen
  • Client Resources
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Marketing for Generations: Gen X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Gen

While digital media platforms might seem like a no-brainer for the younger generations, it shouldn’t be overlooked for the generations that come before them! Generation X, Baby Boomers and the Silent Gen are actually more tech-savvy than you might think.

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Marketing for Generations: Z Gen + Millennials
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  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Marketing for Generations: Z Gen + Millennials

Digital marketing services have been paving the way for businesses of all sizes in terms of brand awareness, lead generation and customer service. As much as traditional marketing is amazing (who doesn’t love a glossy print ad or Geico commercial?), digital marketing is kind of the “boss” these days. Ok - it is the boss.

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Digital Marketing Misconceptions Pt. 2
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  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Misconceptions Pt. 2

Driving traffic to your website is no joke! It can mean all the difference in brand legitimacy, quality leads and overall sales! By hiring a professional, you’ll find your way to a strategy that works best for your business and stretches your dollar.

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How long does it take to grow a social media following Pt. 3
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  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How long does it take to grow a social media following Pt. 3

Social media marketing should never be compared to advertising, as they are two very different things. Social media opens new doors and builds a community for maintaining relationships. Advertising calls attention to the public in a very generic manner to promote products and services.

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How long does it take to grow a social media following Pt. 2
  • Client Resources
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How long does it take to grow a social media following Pt. 2

On Monday we scratched the surface on social media followers and “Black hat” techniques to increase your numbers. Cheating the system to grow as quickly as possible in an inorganic manner is unethical and reflects poorly on your business. Today, we go over how to identify Black hat social media.

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How long does it take to grow a social media following? Pt. 1
  • Client Resources
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How long does it take to grow a social media following? Pt. 1

Success looks different for every company. It’s important to understand that social media is primarily for opening doors to new relationships. New relationships turn to into engagement. Engagement results in trust. And trust turns into sales.

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What is a web host?
  • Client Resources
  • Website Development

What is a web host?

A web domain and a web host are often confused to be the same thing. We can certainly understand the confusion when you’re not professionals in the web industry! For us, we want to cut the jargon and give you information the “everyday Joe” can wrap their head around.

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How does micromarketing work?
  • Client Resources
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How does micromarketing work?

Micromarketing is a strategy focused on a narrowed down, targeted group of people. When honing in on a specific group of people like this, your marketing investment goes towards an audience most likely interested in what you’re offering.

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