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- Social Media and Digital Marketing
What is a digital marketing persona?
For any company and marketer, one of the most critical notions is understanding the marketing persona. Who are you targeting?
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!
For any company and marketer, one of the most critical notions is understanding the marketing persona. Who are you targeting?
LinkedIn is the best place for a B2B marketing strategy. This blog breaks down four strategies to amplify your LinkedIn marketing efforts.
How can clients and companies be on the same page from the beginning of their business relationship to the final meeting?
Happiness is the greatest pursuit of life. Some people want their dream job, others want to find their soul mate, but in reality, we are all just searching for happiness and joy. Without happiness (or at least the hope of happiness), life almost becomes meaningles. In the purist of happiness we wanted to take a break from technology and to put our focus on finding happiness, true happiness in our lives so we can apply that to our purpose.
If video marketing is the future, then the future is already here. Both consumers and marketers have noticed that videos are becoming more popular than traditional posts. Video marketing when it comes to Social Media Management is often called Social Video Marketing.
What are the biggest trends for social media marketing in 2020?
Snakes, spiders, witches, gobblins and monsters are all scary, but what is even more terrifying? A business without a way to track, measure and analyze their strategies.
ExpressionEngine has been acquired by EEHarbor. What does this mean for the future? New releases, updates, management and the same 'ole same Monstrous Media Group.
In 2020, 50 percent of searches will be conducted with a voice assistant. A Google Home or Alexa is changing the SEO landscape and here's how to optimize your website.
This is how to read our Quarterly Social Media Reports and correspond these reports with ROI.