Social media marketing trends in 2020

Social media marketing trends in 2020

The new decade and Q4 is here! It is estimated that 2020 is going to shake up the digital marketing industry from social media marketing trends to voice search. As the industry continues to change, the same type of approaches are still needed but a new spin on these approaches might need to be implemented. 

This is the biggest trends in 2020 from the leading Omaha marketing agency:  

Digital Detox 

As more and more of us sit at computers all day, check our phones, emails and do everything on a screen, people around the globe are detoxing their digital life. There are still 3.48 billion social media users around the globe to reach, but 29 percent of people have deleted social media apps because they started to consume their lives! 

This is simply from the feeling of being overwhelmed. Think about it, how much content are we consuming on a day-to-day basis? While others decide that it is consuming their lives, some are worried about the data collection with social media apps. 

Recently, Twitter released a statement about phone numbers and email accounts being used for advertisement purposes. This data was used to enable targeted ads to target the right audience. The biggest kicker, you agreed to this in that lengthy nondisclosure agreement when signing up for the app. 

However, even with that being said, people are starting to temporarily or permanently delete their apps and spend more time with friends and family in real life. 


As Bill Gates stated, “Content is King” and while our Omaha marketing agency agrees with this statement, video might be the new king. Over 56 percent of Internet users watch videos on the top three social media platforms. 

Video content is in demand for younger generations and possibly YOUR target audience! It is estimated that Gen Y and Millennials prefer video content over text and images

A great example of video content that repurposes all over social media platforms in different lengths and segments is the BudLight’s Dilly Dilly Summer! 

The recent Coors Light advertisements are a perfect example of grabbing the attention of a younger generation while sticking to their brand. You can’t deny a great shower beer on a weekend is the perfect start to the day! This video hits the mark: targeting Millennials and Gen Y who are consuming less traditional large name beer brands, but trying to grab this audience by relating to them. It is magical and we enjoy it. 

No matter the video whether it is telling a story or is explaining what SEO is, a video will reach a younger generation. 

Artificial Intelligence (AI)  

At one time, AI was considered to be a thing of the future where robots would take over the world. However, AI has transformed into something very different. Yes, there are still robots out there but AI helps the digital world as well. 

Our Omaha marketing agency is referring to chatbots, automation systems and even more. In a digital world, everything is instant. A searcher can find their product, buy it and it's at their home in two days or less. A company has to follow the same methods when it comes to sales, lead generation and customer support. A consumer expects an answer immediately. This is where AI in the form of Chatbots help to alleviate that stress for a business. 

It is estimated that 25 percent of customer service will be virtual assistants in 2020. On average, two out of three consumers are already using AI without realizing it. This is because the AI is programmed to behave and respond as naturally as possible. 


It is all about story-telling, videos and adding a personal touch for 2020. This was one of the biggest shifts in content and social media marketing in 2019 and looks as if it will continue into the new decade.  Consumers want to buy products from a company that has a larger purpose than just selling products. Create, share and build a community with your followers. 

Influencer Marketing 

Influencer Marketing (IM) is not about quick results and payouts. These influencers have cultivated a community who trusts their opinions and values their point of views. An influencer has spent a significant amount of time growing their following and their reputation within the social media world. IM is the modern day celebrity endorsement for products or services. 

With the rise of User Generated Content and IM, an Omaha marketing agency recommends using the right influencer to complete both of these things in your marketing strategy. Consumers trust the opinions of other consumers not businesses; 90 percent trust their peers recommendations and 50 percent trust User Generated Content rather than traditional postings. 

Our marketers are pretty sure that EVERYONE has scrolled past a post regarding influencers, but here are a couple of examples just in case you live under a rock. 

The popular GymShark has an entire Instagram dedicated to User Generated Content and all of their influencers. This is one example of their latest post using their influencers and UGC. 

While we are on the health and fitness influencer examples, BuffBunny Collection is the next example. This post was repurposed from one of their influencers in their newest collection. 

That is how businesses are using UGC and IM all at once! 

Is your business following behind in the new decade? Call your Omaha marketing agency to start using social media marketing as part of your marketing strategy. 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

