
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

301 Vs. 302 Redirects: Deciding the Better of Two for SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing

301 Vs. 302 Redirects: Deciding the Better of Two for SEO

Often, while browsing, you might have come across a common code that reads "Error 404". This is what is called an HTTP response status code and indicates the response of the web server to the URL that has been requested. HTTP response status codes instruct both search engine crawlers and the browser on how to handle the request. HTTP response status codes are also called redirects and interestingly, they can be utilized for better SEO.

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3 Basic Social Media Marketing Tips Explained
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

3 Basic Social Media Marketing Tips Explained

We know what you’re thinking. Social Media Marketing is overwhelming, time-consuming, and you question if it’s really even worth getting elbow-deep into. The answer is yes. It’s absolutely worth it. If you focus on a having a plan you can have a successful experience with it! And if you don’t want to travel that road alone, it’s ok. That’s what we’re here for.

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The True Power of a Social Media Influencer
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

The True Power of a Social Media Influencer

In this day and age, when people essentially turn to the internet to get their daily dose of knowledge and information, it wouldn’t be wrong to assume that the social media has indeed emerged as a super powerful communication medium of its own accord.

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Press Release - Omaha Media Group Launches New Website
  • News & Events

Press Release - Omaha Media Group Launches New Website

Monstrous Media Group LLC is proud to announce the launch of our new corporate website which coincides with our expanding role as a global leader in regulated digital marketing and content management solutions and professional design and development services.

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Why IoT is Becoming Increasingly Popular in Consumer Products
  • The Vast Universe

Why IoT is Becoming Increasingly Popular in Consumer Products

IoT refers to the Internet of Things. This technology has a number of applications, and more are being discovered with advances in the tech. A big part of IoT is consumer IoT, or IoT tech used in consumer products. A few examples of consumer IoT are smart watches, smart passenger cars, and smart washing machines.

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Cloud Computing and Where the Tech Stands in 2018
  • The Vast Universe

Cloud Computing and Where the Tech Stands in 2018

Cloud computing as a technology has been around for a while now. Although there was some skepticism initially, many organizations and industries have slowly embraced this technology for its flexibility, financial viability, and customized solutions. What are the tops trends to watch out for in 2018 in cloud computing?

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Internship Corner: Meet Noah
  • Careers
  • News & Events
  • Website Development

Internship Corner: Meet Noah

In order to help educate our newest intern, Noah, on our process, we devised a simple, fun project that we could complete in a short amount of time. We chose a Connect Four-style web game as this project and we completed it using much of the same process we utilize for our MMG clients.

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All You Need to Know about AI-Enabled Personal Assistant Technolgy
  • The Vast Universe

All You Need to Know about AI-Enabled Personal Assistant Technolgy

You might have heard of artificial intelligence or AI, and thought, now that sounds so futuristic, like something from a science fiction movie, right? You would be surprised to know you might already be using AI technology in your everyday life without even realizing it.

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How to Optimize Content for a World Driven by Voice-Tech?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How to Optimize Content for a World Driven by Voice-Tech?

Typing in keywords to get a list of relevant results on search engines is something that has always been there. This forms the very premise of SEO, which is used widely by brands to drive traffic--both organic and paid-- to their website.

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