Cloud Computing and Where the Tech Stands in 2018

Cloud Computing and Where the Tech Stands in 2018


Cloud computing as a technology has been around for a while now. Although there was some skepticism initially, many organizations and industries have slowly embraced this technology for its flexibility, financial viability, and customized solutions. What are the tops trends to watch out for in 2018 in cloud computing? 

Top cloud computing trends in 2018

Hybrid cloud solutions

Organizations that use cloud computing use many variations of hybrid computing. Some prefer to use local hosting within their premises and use cloud for some of their data. This particular hybrid is very common for a number of reasons. Some organizations prefer to have control over some data and that is stored locally, for many others, it is an industry requirement for privacy and security reasons and they are not supposed to use Internet-connected storage for certain kinds of data. Some organizations use multiple cloud services for various requirements. There are many other hybrids that are still emerging. 

A greater number of cloud service providers

As the demand for different kinds of cloud computing and storage increases, a number of new cloud service providers have entered the market. A variety of products are being offered as services by these new providers, including Software as a Service (SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and Platform as a Service (PaaS). File-sharing services and other consumer services on the cloud have also got a boost as more players enter the market.

Higher storage capacities

With the rising popularity of products with Internet of Things capabilities and enormous amounts of data being collected on an everyday basis by voice-activated services, the demand for storage capacities have increased exponentially and continue to do so. A number of cloud service providers have predicted this and are constantly working on increasing their storage capacity to retain client and get new ones who require big data storage capabilities from cloud services. 

Better cloud security

In the past, cloud-based services have been incessantly targeted by hackers and other kinds of online security threats. Many cloud service providers have since been working on providing a high level of security to their customers and clients at every level. Shared cloud services today have a high level of security, initially only available to exclusive cloud service clients. Greater security means people and organizations are now more comfortable using cloud services even for important data. 

Things to remember when choosing a cloud service

  • Do your research and choose a service provider who suits your storage and flexibility requirements. 
  • Ensure the provider you choose can provide the level of security you require for the kind of data with which you deal. 
  • Keep in touch with your service provider to understand their changing systems, requirements, and services to know you are getting exactly what you require. 

Cloud computing is a boon for many industries that have to constantly work with large amounts of data and do not have the financial capability to host their own servers and storage facilities or constantly upgrade their storage. 

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