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Google Confirmed “Broad Core Update” Algorithm Update
  • News & Events
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Google Confirmed “Broad Core Update” Algorithm Update

Have you noticed your ranking as-of-late have been fluctuating over the past week and a half? Probably yes, and that is because Google has confirmed that a "Board Core Update" to their algorithm has been made. Hooray!! At least for most of you doing the right thing. Reaping the rewards? Suffering the losses? What do you do? Read on.

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Guidelines for Consistent UI Design
  • Website Design

Guidelines for Consistent UI Design

Consistency is necessary to tie in all aspects of user experience and interaction to make it a memorable experience. Consistency not only reduces effort on the side of the user but also allows for clear and uninterrupted flow of information.

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4 Reasons Why Podcasting Is An Important Marketing Tool
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

4 Reasons Why Podcasting Is An Important Marketing Tool

Podcasting is a trend that has become popular since 2004. For those of you who have no idea what podcasting is, it is the distribution of audio or video files through the internet. Podcasting allows digital audio files to be downloaded and transferred to a computer or a media player.

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5 Reasons to Utilize Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

5 Reasons to Utilize Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing is an important tactic that should be utilized in your marketing strategy in 2018! If you're not using Social Media Marketing for your business, you're potentially leaving a lot of clients, and dollars on the table.

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Tips to Create Stunning Infographics for Your Fitness Website
  • Graphic Design
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Tips to Create Stunning Infographics for Your Fitness Website

Infographics are a visual representation of data, which use pictures and statistics to convey information. If your clients and website/social media network visitors aren’t the kinds who like reading blog posts, then an infographic can be used to educate and attract.

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Engage Your Online Fitness Community in 6 Easy Ways
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Engage Your Online Fitness Community in 6 Easy Ways

The power of an online community and its impact on business is extremely high. Building a solid online community adds to your credibility, while also helping you attract new customers. This is especially true for fitness businesses, which thrives on customer recommendations and online reviews.

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How to Create a UI Framework
  • Website Design

How to Create a UI Framework

The User interface or UI is the interactive platform on a device. It is inextricably related to user experience and is thus the first make or break factor for many web-based companies.

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9 Tips to Make the Most of Visual Hierarchy
  • Graphic Design
  • Website Design

9 Tips to Make the Most of Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the arrangement that gives out a clear impression on what is important and how much. It is an extremely clever concept in design. The relative importance that you assign to each design components needs to be extremely well planned backed by all your priorities.

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Social Bots and Their Effects on Businesses
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Social Bots and Their Effects on Businesses

Bots are computer programs that are usually autonomous. They are programmed to achieve a certain task and can function without user intervention. Bots are often used to analyze large amounts of data, maintain databases, and automate various other routine tasks.

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