
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Getting Traffic from Instagram to Your Website
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Getting Traffic from Instagram to Your Website

When it introduced business accounts back in 2016, Instagram showed commitment to brands and business to drive better business leads, and generate more traffic for businesses, by offering meaningful interactions between the potential customers and businesses.

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Creating a Web App? Read This First.
  • Mobile Applications

Creating a Web App? Read This First.

Building a web app from scratch is no joking matter. It may look simple enough on the surface but things can go south pretty fast if you don’t have a plan. It may perform a simple function like fitness tracking, but creation takes a lot more resilience, considerations and a precise execution of a plan.

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Web Apps Vs. Websites. Which One Should You Aim for?

Web Apps Vs. Websites. Which One Should You Aim for?

What’s a website for most people? It’s quite simple, it’s any and every URL that they’ve visited, ever, when searching for something on the web. They believe that any address or words entered into the address bar of their browser will lead them to a website.

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Why Personal Branding Is So Important?
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Why Personal Branding Is So Important?

Personal branding is very important, especially in today’s scenario where there is a dire need to be unique and stand out from the crowd. Self-branding is truly a godsend because it is a bit tricky to achieve but when you do achieve it, that’s when things take a turn for the better.

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Why SEO and Not Content Will Generate Leads for You
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Why SEO and Not Content Will Generate Leads for You

The title may look misleading at first because we’ve all heard that you need to have content on your website in order to attract customers. Well, there is a catch to that statement: the content needs to be geared for lead generation through SEO. This means that although you may have loads of content on your website, you may not be generating the full extent of leads that you can if that content isn’t geared for SEO.

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How You Can Use Twitter To Improve Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How You Can Use Twitter To Improve Search Marketing

Search marketing is an integral part of building a successful online business presence. Search marketing is what drives traffic to your website through both paid and unpaid means.

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How E-mail Marketing Can Help Grow Your Business In 2018
  • E-Mail Marketing

How E-mail Marketing Can Help Grow Your Business In 2018

E-mail marketing is a conventional form of marketing. Every day, when you log into your e-mail account, you will probably find a dozen e-mails in your inbox, all of which seems to be jostling to inform you about the latest products, promotional offers, and memberships companies have to offer you, their valuable customer.

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