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The 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors
  • SEO and Search Marketing

The 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors

From year to year, the only thing you can count on in local search results is change. So here it is, the 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors that affect your local search rank.

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Google Panda 4.2 Is Here, Here’s What We Know
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Google Panda 4.2 Is Here, Here’s What We Know

Yes, we have liftoff! Panda 4.2 has finally arrived, following Gary Illyes announcement last month that the refresh was coming. Google has confirmed that this refresh affects only 2-3% of search queries, which is lower than the previous refresh of 3-5% in September 2014 and the last true update in May 2014 which affected 7.5% of search queries. What does this mean for you? Here's what we know so far.

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Impacted By Google’s Mobile-Friendly Update?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Impacted By Google’s Mobile-Friendly Update?

On April 21, Google began rolling out its mobile-friendly update, which makes the mobile-friendliness of a site a ranking signal. It has largely become known as “Mobilegeddon” by publications with a flare for the dramatic, as this name was given to it before it even launched or its effects were even felt.

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Google to Penalize Non-Mobile-Friendly Sites
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Google to Penalize Non-Mobile-Friendly Sites

You just spent months getting your website updated for SEO. You optimized in all the right places—title tags, images, header tags, etc. But did you optimize for mobile? If not, guess what? Google is set to dock your site in mobile searches. Welcome to the Google Mobile Apocalypse.

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Mozilla Firefox Dumps Google in Favor of Yahoo! Search
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The Vast Universe

Mozilla Firefox Dumps Google in Favor of Yahoo! Search

Firefox users conduct over 100 billion searches per year & starting in December Yahoo! will be the default search choice in the US, under a new 5 year agreement.  Google has been the Firefox global search default since 2004. Our agreement came up for renewal this year, and we took this as an opportunity to review our competitive strategy and explore our options.

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Gmail’s New Promotions Grid
  • E-Mail Marketing

Gmail’s New Promotions Grid

In August of last year Google rolled out Gmail’s new tabbed inbox interface. This included the introduction of the new Social, and Promotions tabs. While this first gave some email marketers pause, we can say, almost six months later, that this has not significantly hurt open rates.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Troubleshooting Local Ranking Failures
  • SEO and Search Marketing

A Beginner’s Guide to Troubleshooting Local Ranking Failures

The fallout from lost Google local rankings can be drastic, from silent phones in the office to a loss of pride in a company's standing in the community. Don't panic: Be proactive and take the steps outlined in this guide to begin troubleshooting the cause of your ranking failure. This article is intended for both local business owners and new Local SEOs who will benefit from having a set of procedures to follow should local rankings go south. While I can't cover every possible cause of local ranking issues, the steps outlined below will help you surface major, common problems and take steps to correct them. This graphic provides an overview, and the details of each step follow.

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Top Five Reasons You Need Google Inclusion Tools
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Top Five Reasons You Need Google Inclusion Tools

You've heard the inclusion buzz, we mean everyone you know is a Social and Search Marketing Expert these days, but what the heck does inclusion mean for you and your business and why on earth do I need it for my website? We're glad you asked Russ, let's go on a journey together.

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Search Engine Inclusion - Proper Meta Tag Use
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Search Engine Inclusion - Proper Meta Tag Use

Being the bonafide Google Developers we are we are often asked about how we go about conducting our search engine optimization and marketing strategies. These questions usually revolve around the proper use of keywords, site maps and robot texts, so to help those of you whom have been tasked with your own search engine optimization and marketing for your own websites we thought we'd write a quick article to help you on your way.

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