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How Google Panda Changed SEO Forever (Panda v2.2)
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How Google Panda Changed SEO Forever (Panda v2.2)

Just as expected and right on time Google has released Panda v2.2. This time around Google has improved their ability to detect those pesky scraper websites and remove and ban them from SERPs. Naturally Panda updates are changes made to Google's algorithm and are not manual reviews of websites within their index - so expect some error for those of you unlucky website owners. So what all has changed? A lot! So you better have a good strategy or you will be lost in translation or even worse off, removed from the index.

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Google Farmer/Panda Update Killed The Ranking Star
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Google Farmer/Panda Update Killed The Ranking Star

Welcome to the wonderful world of Google Search Engine Marketing. We are Monstrous Media Group "Monster Creative Management" and are your host for today's blog covering the Google Algorithm release known in our nerd world as "Farmer" or "Panda". By now you may have noticed that your search engine traffic has dropped significantly but may have no clue as to why. Or, you are a naughty marketing guru and have no idea or any clue that anything has changed. Shame on you!  If you're like a lot of our NEW* clients you maybe thinking, so wait a minute, what happened to all of my search engine traffic this month? You were most like struck by Google Farmer/Panda. On February 24th, the Google Farmer/Panda update was implemented and changed 12% of Google's search results. What?!?!*

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