
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Google Page Experience: What you need to know
  • Business
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Google Page Experience: What you need to know

This new aggregated ranking signal in Google algorithm will affect search engine rankings for entire websites or specific pages. Google intends to focus on the user's overall experience with websites and their overall perception of the website and its pages.

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How websites can achieve E-A-T quality in Google
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How websites can achieve E-A-T quality in Google

Google's E-A-T update in 2018 affected several different industries and content that is published, but the thing is, this update actually affected every industry out there. Here is how a website can achieve E-A-T quality in Google!

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Bias in search recommender systems
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Bias in search recommender systems

A search recommender provides a searcher content that is suggested for their search query; however, does this system display results fairly?

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PART 1: Google Analytics 101
  • Client Resources
  • Website Development

PART 1: Google Analytics 101

This blog breaks down Google Analytics for clients logging into the backend of their website!

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Updated: Search Engine Ranking Factors for 2019
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective

Updated: Search Engine Ranking Factors for 2019

Every two years, the search overlord's at Moz survey the opinions of dozens of the world's brightest search marketers and runs correlation studies to better understand the workings of search engine algorithms. Then they gather all of this data to gain insight into the factors that may help—or hurt—a website's visibility in search engines. We thought we'd share some of this brain knowledge with you, since you care about your SEO. Well, hopefully you do.

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