
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

5 YouTube Tools for Boosting Your Content
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  • The OMG Collective
  • Video Production

5 YouTube Tools for Boosting Your Content

YouTube is an incredible, yet very in depth, platform to build a following as a part of your marketing strategy. The latest Google update is paying extra attention to video content, so we encourage this media to be explored and considered for your marketing strategy.

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Google Analytics Product Update
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Google Analytics Product Update

Have you heard? Google has been super busy. If you're like us, you're waiting patiently for Google Penguin to release but that's not all Google's been working on behind the scenes. Let's cover a few of the more exciting Google Analytics 360 Suite updates headed your way!

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Google’s New AdWords Redesign
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective

Google’s New AdWords Redesign

Aging at 15 years, AdWords is going through a major interface redesign. This is the first interface design since 2008, basing their redesign on Google’s design language, Material Design, and its products like Gmail, Maps and Search.

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The Top Search Engine Success Factors
  • SEO and Search Marketing

The Top Search Engine Success Factors

No single SEO factor will guarantee search engine rankings. Having a great HTML title won’t help if a page has low quality content. Having many links won’t help if they are all low in quality. Having several positive factors can increase the odds of success while the presence of negative factors can worsen those odds. So what are the best seo success factors to use when building your website? Read on!

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Is Google Updating? Yes! Penguin Is Imminent
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  • The Vast Universe
  • Website Development

Is Google Updating? Yes! Penguin Is Imminent

There have been some early signs of a Google Search update as of last week. Be it a limited number of sites or the start of something big, some are speculating that it’s an early sign of Google Penguin, though most are not confident that’s the case.

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CLARIFYING Google’s Webmaster Guidelines
  • SEO and Search Marketing

CLARIFYING Google’s Webmaster Guidelines

Google has clarified their most recently updated Google webmaster guidelines put out at the beginning of the year. Previously there was a lot of “do this...but don’t do that”, so we’re happy to give you a quick the run-down on a few of these line items.

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Updated - The “SEO Service” Spam That Plagues The Nations
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  • The OMG Collective

Updated - The “SEO Service” Spam That Plagues The Nations

Do you run a website for yourself or a business? Or maybe you're like us and you manage hundreds of company websites and brands. Whether you're small or large there's no doubt that you get barraged via email by what we like to call "SEO Service Spam”. Here's the bad, the ugly, and the good that comes with the SEO Spam messages.

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Mobile Marketing Trends for 2016
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  • The Vast Universe

Mobile Marketing Trends for 2016

Mobile devices without a doubt, have changed our daily lives. We can do everything under the sun without ever getting up from the couch. Email, text, take photographs, get real-time directions, educate ourselves…everything. So what are the newest trends that we’ll start seeing through our mobile devices in 2016? Let’s dive in.

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Major SEO Mistakes To Avoid During Your Website Redesign!
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Major SEO Mistakes To Avoid During Your Website Redesign!

Redesigning your website is not just an exercise in aesthetics. Sure, the visual elements of your website will likely get the most attention, but remember a great website design also requires you consider and improve what is under the hood. A flashy exterior does not help much if the machine fails to function. If people cannot find your site and intuitively navigate through the pages it does not really matter how beautiful it looks. When it comes to website redesign, form and function need to be a package deal. Let’s discuss the major SEO mistakes to avoid during your next website redesign.

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  • News & Events


Monstrous Media Group is proud to announce the launch of the brand new website. The launch comes after a new creative redesign and development project to create a fresh current brand.

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