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Understanding Google’s SERP updates in 2021
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Understanding Google’s SERP updates in 2021

Google's SERP is the results that populate based on search queries. When you type in, "best pizza shop" those results show for a multitude of reasons. In 2021, Google's SERP continues to advance with its consumers, which means understanding these updates for all businesses! These are the top trends!

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How to optimize for voice search in e-commerce
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How to optimize for voice search in e-commerce

The growth of this industry has been astronomical and as companies are navigating the current explosion of their online stores, they are also having to adapt to another technology that has continued to grow and provided another outlet for revenue. This is how companies can expand their SEO, website traffic and even sales and leads with the right voice search optimization.

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UPDATED: Omaha Web Design: The tea behind design and SEO
  • Business
  • Client Resources
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Website Design

UPDATED: Omaha Web Design: The tea behind design and SEO

There are over 270 ranking factors that Google takes into consideration to rank a company's website for targeted keywords, but what is one of these ranking factors that companies often overlook?

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  • SEO and Search Marketing


How can a company optimize for a growing search engine that is all about privacy?

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Bias in search recommender systems
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Bias in search recommender systems

A search recommender provides a searcher content that is suggested for their search query; however, does this system display results fairly?

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