SEO FAQs: How do I get traffic to my keywords?

SEO FAQs: How do I get traffic to my keywords?

There are infinite opportunities out there for a company to rank for keywords, and any business owner, decision-maker or marketer, might be wondering “which keywords are the best?”  “How do I get traffic to my keywords?” (Which is the most important factor). 

Many brands and companies, small and large, understand that SEO is critical to continue the growth of their sales and lead generation, but often feel stuck in getting the process started or how long it takes to rank organically in SERP. 

It takes about six to nine months to start to see some real results in technical SEO strategies set in place by an Omaha NE SEO expert, but once the organic traffic and ranking start, it is a catalyst for the future! 

And it could even take longer depending on a number of factors in place, but it is important to understand that SEO is critical for the success of a company in a digital age. 

SEO builds credibility, trust, authority, authenticity, branding and so much more. Which brings us to the famous question, “How do I get traffic to my keywords?” 

Here are some of our top suggestions to start bringing qualified traffic to your keywords, which in return, can help to bring more website traffic overall. 

Understanding traffic and it’s quality 

“We are getting more traffic!” Congratulations, this is so critical! This is the start of all of this, but it is important to understand that traffic should be quality. 

Yes, a company will always have traffic or audiences that make you stop and wonder, “how did you get here?” It happens, but getting traffic to keywords means understanding your target audience. 

What is your target audience going to search for? What search engine are they on? Are there different phrases that would be better than others? 

One of the most common questions our Omaha NE SEO experts ask our new clients, “what are the keywords you think your target audience will search on search engines?” Our experts ask this for a couple of reasons- the client is the expert in the industry, specific phrases could reach their audience and it helps when finding competitors in search engines. 

With that in mind, the most effective way to bring traffic to keywords is to target the right keywords in the industry that your target audience is searching for. 

Proper keyword research 

Keyword research is what a company is known for in organic SERP results. Keyword research is the most critical component of driving traffic to a website and to keywords themselves. While keyword research is important, the relevance of the keywords are what is the really important component. 

A company can find hundreds of keywords, but without relevance to these keywords, these hundred of keywords won’t matter at the end of the day. Whether the keywords are on-page or off-page strategies, each keyword should be relevant to the page and content. 

What is a trending topic in everyday chatter? Cauliflower rice! It is great for those on keto, looking for healthier options and is so versatile! As one can see, this keyword alone has a ton of results with super high volume! Which is great! 

The issue with the keyword itself is that the competition is incredibly high. A blogger or blog can rank for this keyword, but it will take quite a while with the right strategies in place. In this case, the next step is to find different keywords that are relevant to the content. 

Say you are a food blogger who is using cauliflower rice in a new recipe. What keywords would be best? Start with the left hand side and narrow down by “recipe”. 

What is your new recipe about? Is it with chicken? Keto? Vegan? A cauliflower rice pizza crust? 

For the purpose of this example, let’s say it is about healthier fried rice! The keywords that would be best are:

  • Cauliflower rice recipes 
  • Cauliflower fried rice recipe
  • Cauliflower rice recipes with chicken
  • Best cauliflower rice recipe 

These keywords would all be great to use inside a blog, but be cautious to not use all of these keywords in one blog. This is called keyword stuffing. The best would be to use “cauliflower fried rice recipe” and “cauliflower rice recipes” you could use either of the two keywords if there is chicken in the recipe or “best cauliflower rice recipe” if that can fit naturally inside of the blog! 

Why wouldn’t our Omaha NE SEO experts recommend some of the other keywords? One reason is due to relevance. It does not matter how much traffic those other keywords have or how low the competition is because these keywords with this blog content will not bring qualified traffic to your keywords. 

It will bring traffic, but if the recipe is not vegan, then this will hurt the blogging content at the end of the day which does not bring traffic to keywords.   

How else do you get traffic to your keywords? 

Content marketing 

Just as we spoke above, keywords inside of content on a website are a proven way to get traffic to keywords and the website. Another hack for bringing more traffic to keywords is to find old content that is ranking and update it! 

A simple update of evergreen content or continuously top pages can help boost these pages in SERP. This means updating with YouTube videos, infographics, new URLS, updating the content itself to be relevant with new trends and other factors, even adding new keywords! 

All of this can help with bringing in traffic to keywords! Remember, the most important notion is to remember that while bringing traffic to your keywords is important, it should be the right type of traffic. 


The backbone of ranking in search engines deals with off-page SEO strategies. One of the most important strategies out there is backlinking. Backlinking refers to a website linking back to another website. If the food blogger wanted to use the first keyword such as “cauliflower rice” instead of the smaller volume opportunity keywords, a great idea would be to continuously backlink to that keyword. 

Backlinking is a whole another blog topic that could go in even more depth, but the overarching strategy is to get quality websites to link back to that blog with the high volume keyword. Content marketing does backlinking naturally in blogging content, but at the same time, this can not be enough depending on the industry or the competition. 

That’s not all either! There really are so many other strategies that all can be taken to get traffic to keywords! But, those are some of our suggestions to answer the common SEO FAQ of, “How do I get traffic to my keywords?” 

Hire the professionals 

Monstrous Media Group provides award-winning services to companies all over the United States to grow its ranking in search engines. For more help with SEO and digital marketing, contact us today

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

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