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6 Ways Social Media Helps Small Businesses To Grow
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

6 Ways Social Media Helps Small Businesses To Grow

Social media has an essential role in helping small businesses and startups climb up the corporate ladder. Customers get the first glimpse of your business on social media. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so many others have taken the internet by storm and are crucial to the social lives of so many people.

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6 Things To Keep In Mind To Create A User-Friendly Website
  • Website Design

6 Things To Keep In Mind To Create A User-Friendly Website

Web designing is among one of the most important elements of your business. With most of the commerce getting digitized in today's world, it is essential that every company has websites that are easily accessible by users.

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WordPress Vs HTML Vs ExpressionEngine - Which One Should You Go With?

WordPress Vs HTML Vs ExpressionEngine - Which One Should You Go With?

A website speaks a thousand words. In a world wherein a website can make or break a brand, everyone strives to obtain a perfect website. And creating the best website for any business is a bit of a challenging task. With numerous options being prevalent in the market, in terms of templates, design, and type, it gives room to a lot of dilemmas.

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The Importance of Social Media in Business Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

The Importance of Social Media in Business Marketing

Today's era is the digital one, where anything can happen over the Internet. Almost everyone has access to the Internet, except for the ones living in very remote areas. A huge number of people use social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and so on. So, it would be a great platform for companies to promote themselves and expand their business.

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How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur
  • Business

How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship, in simple terms, is starting one's own business and managing it. But it isn't just related to running a business, it's the ability of a person to dodge problems which he/she faces in his/her work. It's the problem-solving capability of an individual and his/her attitude to never give up.

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Worrying About Your Own Alexa Ranking Is A Waste Of Time
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe

Worrying About Your Own Alexa Ranking Is A Waste Of Time

Is the Alexa ranking of your own website worth worrying about? Or would you be better focusing your efforts elsewhere? In this article we'll explore how Alexa collects ranking data, why you shouldn’t worry about your ranking and why you should use an alternative tool for insights on your competitors.

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Should You Start a Remote Business?
  • Business

Should You Start a Remote Business?

It’s been observed that approximately 85% of today’s workforce, which comprises mostly of millennials, wishes to telecommute 100% of the time. About 54% of the workforce wants to have flexible work schedules and alternatives to coming to the office for 8 or 9-hour shifts. With the way things stand, there seems that a case can be made in favor of remote businesses. But the question remains – should business owners make the shift from physical premises to fully remote businesses?

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Encourage Intrapreneurship in Your Organization with these Tips
  • Business

Encourage Intrapreneurship in Your Organization with these Tips

An entrepreneur by definition is one who starts his/her own business and develops his/her own products. But, there are people who work within the confines of an organization and who possess the entrepreneurial spirit. These people are called intrapreneurs and the work they do is known as intrapreneurship.

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Turn these Challenges Around for Fast Growth in Business
  • Business

Turn these Challenges Around for Fast Growth in Business

As a start-up, everything will be new for you. From choosing the right people to the allocation of resources, all activities will seem daunting. Often, it isn’t just your professional life that gets affected; your personal life too is impacted by the stress of running a start-up. How you handle these challenges will determine whether your business is set to sink or soar.

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