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Investing in Influencer Marketing Will be the Best Business Decision You Make: Here’s Why

Investing in Influencer Marketing Will be the Best Business Decision You Make: Here’s Why

Influencer marketing is the newest form of social media marketing that’s taken the world by storm. Although it seems like a unique marketing method, influencer marketers work very similar to the way brand ambassadors work. Instead of solely using a celebrity to influence purchase decisions, businesses enlist a mix of the famous and not-so-famous to endorse their brands. The only similarity between these two types of endorsers is that they have a very large social media following behind them.

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Get the Best Out of Your Live Video Content with these Tips
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Get the Best Out of Your Live Video Content with these Tips

Live video and live streaming are the buzzwords of the year and it’s easy to see why. Live streaming allows businesses to reach their customers with ease. Every moment can be shared as it is happening, allowing companies to keep their customers engaged constantly.

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Top Ways To Improve Your Website’s UI/UX
  • Website Design

Top Ways To Improve Your Website’s UI/UX

A modern business cannot survive without a website. After all, your website is a platform where the entire world is introduced to your business. It gives potential customers information they need to form an idea about what you do, products and services you provide, your company ethics and values.

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How Social Media Has Changed the Face of Business Forever
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How Social Media Has Changed the Face of Business Forever

A lot of businesses now use social media marketing for their products and are experiencing first-hand the many benefits that social media business tools have to offer. Needless to say, the world of business has completely changed ever since social media business tools have been developed. Here are some of the major ways that business has evolved thanks to social media marketing.

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Miles for Madonna 2017
  • News & Events
  • The OMG Collective

Miles for Madonna 2017

On September 30th, 2017 our team of Monsters participated in the Miles for Madonna 5k Race and 1 miles walk!

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6 Things You Should be Prepared to Face as an Entrepreneur
  • Business

6 Things You Should be Prepared to Face as an Entrepreneur

Everyone knows that it can be really challenging to be an entrepreneur. For many, it is this challenges that make life very exciting and the whole prospect worth struggling for. However, everything is not always perfect when you have decided to do something on your own. Often, you may hit difficult situations as an entrepreneur – challenges that you would not have anticipated or prepared for. Here are seven of the most serious challenges that you must steel yourself to face in order to become a successful entrepreneur.

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The Mindset Of A Successful Entrepreneur
  • Business

The Mindset Of A Successful Entrepreneur

Starting a business venture all by yourself is a powerful decision to make. In a world already dominated by successful conglomerates, finding your feet in the market can seem like a risky venture. But there are no end to people taking that chance and trying to make themselves established as successful business people. In a highly competitive sphere, there are many who find themselves reaching the end of the rope quickly and are weeded out. But there are also those that make their dreams come true.

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The Essentials Of Graphic Design And Photo Manipulation
  • Graphic Design

The Essentials Of Graphic Design And Photo Manipulation

Graphic design in today’s world is something everyone is familiar with. People use aspects of graphic design in their everyday lives and modern smart-phones have brought the technology straight to our thumbs.

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Navigating Twitter For Social Media Success

Navigating Twitter For Social Media Success

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform that lets you post tweets or small and crisp messages with a character limit of 140 words. You are also able to post audio and visual content and even embed relevant links to other websites in order to expand your marketing reach.

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What Makes An Ecopreneur?
  • Business

What Makes An Ecopreneur?

When Leonardo DiCaprio, actor and committed environmentalist, talks about climate change and conserving our Eco-system, does anyone take him seriously? Do we praise him or do we think what business an actor has being so passionate about the environment? What do we call him; an actor, a businessman (he has an environmental foundation), an ecologist (he’s not a scientist), or an environmentalist?

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