Encourage Intrapreneurship in Your Organization with these Tips

Encourage Intrapreneurship in Your Organization with these Tips


Encouraging creativity
Sometimes, some of the best ideas may come from employees who are not part of the NPD or R&D departments. It is important for organizations to encourage these employees to give shape to their ideas, as it can help the company tap into a market demand. Here are some ways in which you can encourage the intrapreneurs in your organization:

Keep an eye out for intrapreneurs
Not all intrapreneurs behave the same. But the two things they all have in common is their innate curiosity about the way products work and their enthusiasm to find ways to make the product better.  Keep an eye out for employees who fit this mold and encourage them to put forth their ideas.

Motivate the shy and the hesitant
Some employees may have a number of ideas and yet they may hesitate to come forward because of their fear of being ridiculed or rejected. Create an open atmosphere in your team. Let your team know that you are open to product/service-related suggestions.

Don’t create restrictive job roles
Restrictive job profiles and roles that do not allow employee growth can stifle creativity. Instead, provide your team the flexibility it needs to come up with new products or process designs. You won’t regret it.

Decentralize work and control
Most employees work on their projects on their own time and they usually don’t like any interference. Give your staff the freedom and control they need to plan their work and to take decisions regarding their innovation. You will be rewarded with a motivated employee who will bring in much-needed organizational change.

Accept risk and failure as they come
Risks and failure are a part of any business, but they are heightened during intrapreneurship. Instead of scrapping a failed project, accept the loss and move on. Always encourage your staff to try their hand again, as their efforts might bear fruits next time.

Reward intrapreneurial success
If a project has been successful, be sure to recognize the efforts of all those involved. Give prizes or certificates and make their contribution known.

Conduct networking events
Networking and collaboration events will help intrapreneurs gain visibility. Events that involve senior management presence may even help you raise the investment needed to fund your intrapreneurial projects.

Provide access to resources
Your team may require access to data, technology, and people while they are planning for their new intrapreneurial project. Be sure to grant access to the resources they need, provided this does not break any organizational policy.

Eliminate organizational red tape
Organizational policies and practices can have many bureaucratic problems. It is important to remove or reduce such red tape so that the intrapreneurial process is smoother.

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