Updated: Search Engine Ranking Factors for 2019

Updated: December 17, 2018
Every two years, the search overlord's at Moz survey the opinions of dozens of the world's brightest search marketers and runs correlation studies to better understand the workings of search engine algorithms. Then they gather all of this data to gain insight into the factors that may help—or hurt—a website's visibility in search engines. We thought we'd share some of this brain knowledge with you, since you care about your SEO. Well, hopefully you do.
"This year, Moz surveyed over 150 leading search marketers who provided expert opinions on over 90 ranking factors.
In addition, the Data Science team at Moz, lead by Dr. Matthew Peters, ran an extensive correlation study to determine which features of websites and webpages are associated with higher search rankings. For the first time this year, Moz partnered with several data partners to enhance the study, including SimilarWeb, DomainTools, and Ahrefs.
Note that these factors are not "proof" of what search engines use to rank websites, but simply show the characteristics of web pages that tend to rank higher. Combining this understanding with both experience and knowledge of search engine algorithms can help lead to better SEO practices."
Image Copyright Moz.com - Source
- Click here to View Correlation Data
- Click here to View Survey Data
SEO or Bust!
As SEOs, we here at MMG are interested in the most influential factors in commercial web search results. Accordingly, we also conduct ongoing studies looking at the relationship between web search results and links, social media signals, and on-page factors. Why? Because we understand that we have to.
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