
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

9 Tips to Make the Most of Visual Hierarchy
  • Graphic Design
  • Website Design

9 Tips to Make the Most of Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is the arrangement that gives out a clear impression on what is important and how much. It is an extremely clever concept in design. The relative importance that you assign to each design components needs to be extremely well planned backed by all your priorities.

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The Difference Between UX And UI Design
  • Mobile Applications
  • Website Design

The Difference Between UX And UI Design

If you are even remotely aware of the digital technology, you would have most certainly heard of the terms UX and UI design that are often used in web designing. While most people like to believe that the twin terms can be used interchangeably, the truth is that both UX and UI are quite different from each other in a number of ways. So, what exactly is it that distinguishes the UX from the UI? Here is a discussion that you might find useful.

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Top UI Design Trends that Made it Big in 2017
  • Graphic Design
  • Website Design

Top UI Design Trends that Made it Big in 2017

What with the lightning-fast transformations in the digital technology, the web design trends too keep changing almost every day to keep up with the consumer trends. Every year, the UI and UX design industry undergo major metamorphosis to not only stay relevant to the needs of the consumer but also to keep inspiring novel innovations. Here is a list of the some of the hottest trends in the UI design industry in 2017 that you might want to know about.

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Understanding color psychology for creating a unique brand identity
  • Graphic Design
  • Website Design

Understanding color psychology for creating a unique brand identity

Believe it or not, humans rely on visual cues to make purchase decisions. Unless a brand uses colors in the right way, they cannot expect to get the attention of their customers, who are already barraged by a slew of advertisements. That is why it's important for brands to understand the term “color psychology” in its true sense.

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Four Simple Tips That Can Help A Hotel Website Succeed In The SEO Game
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Website Design

Four Simple Tips That Can Help A Hotel Website Succeed In The SEO Game

Like any website of any business, a hotel's website's objective is to drive conversions. But it won't be possible if a hotel business ignores website optimization. As 55 percent of business travelers and 60 percent of leisure travelers use search engines while planning trips, hoteliers can't afford to ignore the power of SEO. Search engines help them drive organic traffic to their website. It's a great option for them because it can lower their customer acquisition cost to a great extent.

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Top Ways To Improve Your Website’s UI/UX
  • Website Design

Top Ways To Improve Your Website’s UI/UX

A modern business cannot survive without a website. After all, your website is a platform where the entire world is introduced to your business. It gives potential customers information they need to form an idea about what you do, products and services you provide, your company ethics and values.

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6 Things To Keep In Mind To Create A User-Friendly Website
  • Website Design

6 Things To Keep In Mind To Create A User-Friendly Website

Web designing is among one of the most important elements of your business. With most of the commerce getting digitized in today's world, it is essential that every company has websites that are easily accessible by users.

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How Is UX Design Different from UI Design?
  • Website Design

How Is UX Design Different from UI Design?

There is so much continuous technological development taking place that there are a number of new terminologies floating about almost every day, especially in the tech world. Some are easy to understand while others can be quite confusing initially. Two such terms are discussed here – UX design and UI design. What do these terms mean? What do UX and UI designers do? How are UX and UI design different from each other?

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