
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Major SEO Mistakes To Avoid During Your Website Redesign!
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Major SEO Mistakes To Avoid During Your Website Redesign!

Redesigning your website is not just an exercise in aesthetics. Sure, the visual elements of your website will likely get the most attention, but remember a great website design also requires you consider and improve what is under the hood. A flashy exterior does not help much if the machine fails to function. If people cannot find your site and intuitively navigate through the pages it does not really matter how beautiful it looks. When it comes to website redesign, form and function need to be a package deal. Let’s discuss the major SEO mistakes to avoid during your next website redesign.

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Cheap Website? It may be costing you more than you realize…
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  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
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Cheap Website? It may be costing you more than you realize…

We have all heard the phrase "You get what you pay for," right? Building a website for very little may end up costing you more time and money later. Your website is crucial for the success of your business. It is there to help you get potential clients, retain your current clients and make you money around the clock, so why not consider the true return on investment and spend the money to make it great in the first place?

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21 Reason Why You Need A Website
  • The Vast Universe
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21 Reason Why You Need A Website

Are you stuck in the early 2000's and still don't think you or your company needs a website? Well guess what? You're oh so.. so so.. wrong. Here's 21 of the biggest reasons why you're completely wrong! And some other good information. So get to it!

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Website Design and Functionalty Trends for 2015
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  • The Vast Universe
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Website Design and Functionalty Trends for 2015

Wow, how is 2015 almost already over? It seems like just yesterday we were ringing in the new year of web possibilities. In this article, we’ll boil down some of the most prominent web design trends emerging in 2015. It is here that we can find true innovation and new opportunities – a few of which may completely change our understanding of a “modern website”.

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Creating Compelling Content for your Website
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Creating Compelling Content for your Website

Creating compelling content for your website can be a challenge. The great advantage you have in creating your own content, however, is that nobody knows your industry better than you.

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Omaha Media Group Launches Archistructure Mobile
  • Mobile Applications
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Omaha Media Group Launches Archistructure Mobile

Monstrous Media Group is proud to announce the launch of the brand new Archistructure mobile website. The launch comes after a new creative redesign and development project to create a fresh current mobile brand for Archistructure.

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Widespread WordPress Plugins and Themes Security Vulnerability
  • The Vast Universe
  • Website Design

Widespread WordPress Plugins and Themes Security Vulnerability

Use Wordpress? You're probably succestable to this weekend's recent XSS vunerablility affecting multiple WordPress plugins and themes. The vulnerability is caused by a common code pattern used in WordPress plugins and themes available from most theme repositories,, ThemeForest and CodeCanyon, the website and other sources.

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Visually Appealing Websites
  • Graphic Design
  • The OMG Collective
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Visually Appealing Websites

Creating and maintaining a visually appealing website is one of the most important things you can do when you’re in the process of developing your web presence.

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Updated: Forked vs Responsive Mobile Design
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • Website Design

Updated: Forked vs Responsive Mobile Design

With the new Google Mobile-Friendly Push there is a lot of debate of which is the best path to take when it comes to mobile interface design. Do you go with method or do you go with a active responsive design. Well, the answer is pretty simple - it all depends on your CMS.

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Custom Web Design vs Website Templates
  • Graphic Design
  • The Vast Universe
  • Website Design

Custom Web Design vs Website Templates

As a business owner you are always looking how to save money and make your business profitable. When it comes to creating an online presence for your business, just like your marketing materials and office’s appearance, your website needs to project a professional image. The more professional looking your business appears, the more creditable it looks.

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