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Why Does Your Company Need Paid Social Media Promotions?
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Why Does Your Company Need Paid Social Media Promotions?

There is a preconceived notion that to be successful on social media, all you need is good, engaging content. While the veracity of this statement cannot be altogether refuted, it is also true that paid social media campaigns do help to increase the visibility of your content and if it is engaging, your target audience will react to your content positively.

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How to Drive Sales and Traffic Using Pinterest?
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How to Drive Sales and Traffic Using Pinterest?

Pinterest is a unique social media initiative. Unlike Facebook and Twitter which use images to support a piece of text or infographic, Pinterest is strictly images, or pins. The CEO of Pinterest, Ben Silbermann has called Pinterest a “catalog of ideas”. That is why it is suitable for all kind so business, especially e-commerce.

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Importance of Social Media Influencers
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Importance of Social Media Influencers

CDN Chief Marketer, in one of their special reports, has discussed the power of social media influencers and brand advocates. The report states that a poll conducted by Tomoson found that social media brands have accepted influencer marketing as the fastest growing online customer acquisition channel ahead of email marketing and organic search. The question is what is so special about social media influencers?

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How can Businesses and Bloggers Create a Strong Personal Brand Online?
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How can Businesses and Bloggers Create a Strong Personal Brand Online?

A business owner or a famous blogger needs to create a robust personal brand online. The reason is simple; customers and clients like to conduct transactions with businesses that have a face rather than a corporate entity or a faceless monolith. This is why top corporate honchos, experts, and bloggers are asked to have an online presence and connect with the target groups directly. This helps them to understand the pulse of the audience, and the audience will feel more secure and open up about their problems easily.

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Why Should Content Curation be an Important Part of your Content Strategy?
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Why Should Content Curation be an Important Part of your Content Strategy?

Content curation is slowly becoming an important tool for content marketers. Many writers suffer from writer’s block sometimes. So, consistently creating fresh, original content that will be liked by your readers is not easy. Even if you are not suffering from writer’s block, you may find out that your target audience is not interested in the kind of content you are serving them.

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Best Methods of Repurposing your Old Content
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Best Methods of Repurposing your Old Content

Creating meaningful, interesting, and popular content is not easy. However, when you create content which is well loved and liked by your target group, you should find ways to repurpose this content in different ways that help to prolong the longevity of this content. Brilliant content can be modified in a number of ways.

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Tips to be a Successful Marketer on Snapchat
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Tips to be a Successful Marketer on Snapchat

Snapchat was created with the aim to share multimedia messages, in real time, which could include photos and videos, and came with editing options. It was mainly viewed as an app which allowed personal, one-on-one engagement, rather than social interaction, which is the cornerstone of sites like Facebook and Twitter. However, over the last three or four years, it has also evolved as a site for accessing public content which could be live events, publications or even brand networks which brands leverage to create a following.

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How Can You Get More Comments On Your Blog?
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  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How Can You Get More Comments On Your Blog?

When you manage to attract more comments to your blog posts, it is one of the metrics which gives you an insight into reader engagement. Very often, even the most informative, well-researched and SEO rich content fails to attract the kind of reader involvement you had hoped for.

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4 Tips That Will Help You Increase Your Twitter Conversion Rate
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  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

4 Tips That Will Help You Increase Your Twitter Conversion Rate

If you are using Twitter to engage with your customers and prospects, you are already on the right track. However, a lot of marketers do not know how to engage their customers and prospects correctly. Blindly tweeting and hoping that your customers would see it or retweet it would not help.

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5 Things That a Social Media Marketer Should Be Doing In 2016
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

5 Things That a Social Media Marketer Should Be Doing In 2016

2016 has brought new opportunities and challenges for social media professionals and marketers. Social media is a fast growing and rapidly changing medium. A practice in the field of social media marketing that might have been considered valid and important in 2015 may no longer find a place in the list created by experts in 2016.

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