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Google Analytics Product Update
  • Mobile Applications
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Website Development

Google Analytics Product Update

Have you heard? Google has been super busy. If you're like us, you're waiting patiently for Google Penguin to release but that's not all Google's been working on behind the scenes. Let's cover a few of the more exciting Google Analytics 360 Suite updates headed your way!

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5 Simple Rules for Writing Readable Blog Content
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The Vast Universe

5 Simple Rules for Writing Readable Blog Content

Reading from a screen is very different than reading from an actual page, so making sure your blog content is easy to read is imperative to returning visitors and a higher conversion rate.

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Google’s New AdWords Redesign
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective

Google’s New AdWords Redesign

Aging at 15 years, AdWords is going through a major interface redesign. This is the first interface design since 2008, basing their redesign on Google’s design language, Material Design, and its products like Gmail, Maps and Search.

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Instagram’s Algorithm Update
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The OMG Collective

Instagram’s Algorithm Update

It has recently been revealed that Instagram’s new algorithm “drops” tomorrow, Tuesday, March 29th, 2016.

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  • News & Events


Monstrous Media Group is proud to announce the launch of the brand new Davis Erection website. The launch comes after a new creative redesign and development project to create a fresh current brand.

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Is Google Updating? Yes! Penguin Is Imminent
  • Mobile Applications
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe
  • Website Development

Is Google Updating? Yes! Penguin Is Imminent

There have been some early signs of a Google Search update as of last week. Be it a limited number of sites or the start of something big, some are speculating that it’s an early sign of Google Penguin, though most are not confident that’s the case.

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SEO and Pinterest
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

SEO and Pinterest’s not just for recipes and craft projects. Did you know that 69% of consumers have purchased or have wanted to purchase an item they’ve seen on Pinterest? While only 17% of Facebook users have.

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CLARIFYING Google’s Webmaster Guidelines
  • SEO and Search Marketing

CLARIFYING Google’s Webmaster Guidelines

Google has clarified their most recently updated Google webmaster guidelines put out at the beginning of the year. Previously there was a lot of “do this...but don’t do that”, so we’re happy to give you a quick the run-down on a few of these line items.

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