Why does website traffic decrease during November?

Why does website traffic decrease during November?

November is full of many holidays. There is Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday. With so many holidays, you may assume that your website traffic should see an increase. However, some companies can actually see a dip in their website traffic during this month. 

Do not be frightened! Our SEO services in Omaha team wants to explain why this is normal, especially for some companies that are not in the retail industry. Also, we can offer some ways to actually increase your website traffic for the holidays.

Why does website traffic decrease during the holiday season?

If you review your company’s website analytics and notice that you get dips in November, know that you are not alone. For some industries, the holiday season brings slow months for website traffic. The reason is that many consumers are not actively searching for their products and services. 

Most people travel to spend time with their family and friends during the holidays. They are also looking for holiday gifts. That is why many retail businesses see an increase in website traffic around this time. So when you are reviewing your website’s analytics, keep that in mind. 

Ways to increase your website traffic for the holidays

It’s not all bad news! There are ways you can keep your website traffic steady. Our SEO services in Omaha team wants to share these simple ways you can increase your website traffic during the holiday season.

Use seasonal keywords

One of the best ways to gain website traffic during the holiday season is by using holiday keywords. These keywords should still be relevant to your industry but more related to the holiday season. You can add these keywords to a blog post or a new page on your website. 

You can figure out which keywords users are searching for during the holiday season through your own research or by hiring SEO services in Omaha. That is where Monstrous Media Group can lend you a helping hand. Our team has the expertise and experience to do keyword research and also create content. 

Add long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are longer and more specific keyword phrases that visitors are more likely to use when looking for specific purchases or when they are using voice search. These keywords usually contain at least three words, target a niche market and contain more specific keyword terms. 

The reason why it is good to use these keywords is that they have a lower search volume than short keywords. Using long-tail keywords can help boost your website traffic. These keywords make up around 70% of all search traffic and the conversion rates are 2.5 times higher than head keywords.

Harness the power of social media

Social media is a powerful tool. It can help you reach your target audience and expand your audience through the right strategies. If you are looking to give your website traffic a boost, share links to your website. 

Whether it is a blog post or landing page, promote those links on social media. Add a variety of hashtags to your posts, including seasonal ones, to reach more people around the holidays. Experts recommend you use 11 hashtags per Instagram post and at least two hashtags for Twitter. 

Increase your website’s traffic with SEO services in Omaha!

At Monstrous Media Group, we offer SEO services that can help increase the organic traffic to your website. Contact us to learn all about our SEO services. 

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