
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

UPDATED: Ways you can help your digital marketer
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  • SEO and Search Marketing
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UPDATED: Ways you can help your digital marketer

One of the best parts about hiring a digital marketer (eh hem - us) is freeing up time to execute the parts of business you excel at, but even we need a bit of help here and there! Here are three easy ways to help your digital marketing agency out!

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Optimizing images: How to optimize all graphics for SEO
  • Graphic Design
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Optimizing images: How to optimize all graphics for SEO

What is image SEO?  Image SEO is the optimization of images and graphics for search engine optimization strategies. Yup, even images in search engines should be optimized with SEO strategies in place. This is because, just like long tail keywords for SEO, images bring in a small, but qualified amount of website traffic to a company’s website. 

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Content opportunities: Finding the silver lining in SEO during COVID-19
  • SEO and Search Marketing
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Content opportunities: Finding the silver lining in SEO during COVID-19

For businesses and companies to position themselves during a pandemic sounds absurd, but with COVID 19 SEO content and other SEO strategies, this is how companies can find that silver lining and continue to expand during and after the pandemic.

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Google Page Experience: What you need to know
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  • SEO and Search Marketing

Google Page Experience: What you need to know

This new aggregated ranking signal in Google algorithm will affect search engine rankings for entire websites or specific pages. Google intends to focus on the user's overall experience with websites and their overall perception of the website and its pages.

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Marketing your business in the midst of COVID-19: Marketing tips to stay afloat
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Marketing your business in the midst of COVID-19: Marketing tips to stay afloat

An investment into the right marketing platforms and strategies can be a successful investment past COVID-19, and as a company, it can be nerve-racking and concerning to know where to exactly invest those marketing dollars. Here are recommendations on marketing during the middle of a global pandemic.

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How websites can achieve E-A-T quality in Google
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How websites can achieve E-A-T quality in Google

Google's E-A-T update in 2018 affected several different industries and content that is published, but the thing is, this update actually affected every industry out there. Here is how a website can achieve E-A-T quality in Google!

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UPDATED: Omaha Web Design: The tea behind design and SEO
  • Business
  • Client Resources
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Website Design

UPDATED: Omaha Web Design: The tea behind design and SEO

There are over 270 ranking factors that Google takes into consideration to rank a company's website for targeted keywords, but what is one of these ranking factors that companies often overlook?

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