Content opportunities: Finding the silver lining in SEO during COVID-19

Content opportunities: Finding the silver lining in SEO during COVID-19

No one will disagree that this has been one of the strangest years that we have all lived through, and for small businesses, companies and entrepreneurs, this time can be even harder to navigate. In a span of eight months, the entire globe has changed from the Supply Chain Management (SCM) industry to international borders shutting down, along with the rise and fall of COVID-19 cases in cities across the United States. 

Despite how bad the situation is and appears to be, there is a silver lining in all of this. In the SEO industry, the silver lining is the ability to hone in on Omaha SEO agency strategies and content based around COVID-19. 

For businesses and companies to position themselves during a pandemic sounds absurd, but with COVID 19 SEO content and other SEO strategies, this is how companies can find that silver lining and continue to expand during and after the pandemic. 

What does your audience need/want to know? 

What content is your audience seeking out right now?  What are some of the biggest questions that someone who is searching for your products and/or services would want to know or needs to know? This can include shipping delays, product limitations, beginning stages of their customer journey or the final reason why they should purchase your products and/ or services. 

No matter the reasons behind it, it is important to understand what they are trying to figure out and find. It is important to review the last seven months worth of content and information that was published. Where are the peeks? What blogs continue to get more traffic than others? This provides a better understanding of the type of content that consumers are interested in consuming. 

Furthermore, it is important to understand that content is not set in stone. Now is the ideal time to test the waters because your content needs to value and understand the current waters that consumers are in at this moment. 

How can you improve existing content? 

One of the easiest ways to gain COVID 19 SEO content is to review existing content on the website from blogs to services pages and even add specific COVID-19 related content and landing pages. This is where a company can analyze its strongest and weakest pages and work to improve them through new SEO research. Our experts recommend companies who are backlinking to update their keywords at least every six months to ensure that the keywords have not changed in search engines. 

What about content that is on the second page of any search engine? What could be added to the content to help it jump up to the first page? Oftentimes, content that is ranking 12-16 in search engines can easily jump to the first page with some infographics, new keywords, new images and more! 

From there, could you consolidate content? Is it necessary to have two pages that are basically the same information? Unless there is a need for that second page, more than likely, the best option is to remove the page that is the lowest performing page. 

Google Trends 

This continues to be a secret for the SEO and digital marketing industry that can help websites garner new topics and trends, but grab trends and topics that are here to stay for years to come. This type of content is called evergreen content. This is content that never goes out of style, and each year, a new update can be implemented to the content to make sure it continues to be relevant. 


In a 12 month timeframe, the search trends on Google Trends show that consumers in the United States, especially in New York, Mississippi, Virginia and Kansas while Google Ad search interests have peaked in Utah, Colorado, Idaho and Maine. 

What does this tell our SEO experts? That anyone in those states that offer those services should be honing in on those services through their SEO strategies. 

What else does this trend show our experts? This shows that SEO continues to be one of the highest searched digital marketing services out there while Google Ads has fallen. This is because SEO is here for the long haul and more and more companies are realizing to put themselves in a better position once COVID-19 is over, they need SEO. 

Continue to create new and relevant content 

To garner any COVID 19 SEO content, it is important to continue to create new content. While improving content is imperative and updating your website is important, is it just as important to create new and relevant content that consumers want or need. An easy way to do this is with infographics, updated content, new blog ideas and etc. As an Omaha SEO agency, our recommendations are to always create new, unique and relevant content that is optimized for search engine purposes.

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