
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

How to optimize for voice search in e-commerce
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How to optimize for voice search in e-commerce

The growth of this industry has been astronomical and as companies are navigating the current explosion of their online stores, they are also having to adapt to another technology that has continued to grow and provided another outlet for revenue. This is how companies can expand their SEO, website traffic and even sales and leads with the right voice search optimization.

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Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) - The value proposition of SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) - The value proposition of SEO

SEO is an affordable part of the entire budget and only adds value time and time again. As a Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), one could be in the process of truly understanding its value in the budget and how to elevate the company’s online presence.

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Medical SEO:  Start applying it to your practice
  • SEO and Search Marketing
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Medical SEO:  Start applying it to your practice

In the medical industry, 55 percent of consumers click on the top three results in search engines, and if your medical practice, facility or hospital isn’t on the list, then you’re losing patients.

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White hat link building in SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing

White hat link building in SEO

If you know one thing about SEO, besides what it is, then you know backlinks are imperative to the entire process. What does an SEO expert company mean when they speak about “white hat” or “black hat” SEO strategies?

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Franchise Marketing: The marketing tips you need to know
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Franchise Marketing: The marketing tips you need to know

Franchise marketing starts at the corporate level and trickles down to each location, and because of this, corporate has to get everything situated for each different location that is involved. This also means that the franchise marketing is a bit different in each location as well.

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Preparing for the Google Page Experience update
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Preparing for the Google Page Experience update

Google released that one of its largest updates for the new year will begin in May 2021. This does not mean the website won’t start to feel its effects in April, but our suggestion is to not wait until May. This Google algorithm update 2021 will affect websites in over seven ways, and this is how to get prepared for it.

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How are you qualifying your leads?
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  • Client Resources
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How are you qualifying your leads?

Once qualified leads and website traffic continue to come in from social media, referral traffic, PPC ads or any other marketing strategies set in place by the leading marketing agency Omaha, it is imperative that your company’s lead qualification checklist is in order.

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