The Latest Trends in Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is one of the most popular forms of advertising on the Internet and it is a nigh on unbeatable way of generating leads, sales, and traffic. In order to be successful in PPC, advertisers need to be aware of the latest trends in 2017 and how they can use these trends to successfully monetize their business in a more efficient manner and improve their customer relationship management strategies.
Mobile-friendly sites now!
In 2016, in large parts of the United States and Western Europe, sales on mobile e-commerce apps were greater than on websites. This trend is expected to pick up further momentum in 2017 as the likes of China and India also increase their level of consumption on mobile devices. Mobile optimized ads and mobile friendly sites ought to have already been a priority in the years past, but if businesses fail to get on this right away, it will severely hamper their ability to connect with customers.
Video advertising is in
Video advertising picked up a remarkable amount of steam in 2016 as customers grew vary of the existing types of PPC advertising. Video advertising assists small firms as you can add a dash of personal touch to ad campaigns. In addition, Google has now migrated TrueView ads into its AdWords interface, which makes it easier form firms to develop video campaigns and balance their budgets. Video ads on search engine results may be the next big thing and become the dominant ad format, but it is unclear if Google is willing to head in this direction.
Google also expanded text ads
In a bid to become even more advertiser friendly, Google has now increased the size of its Expanded Text Ads. Advertisers now have 140 characters of ad space to work with, which is a huge boon to advertisers that require a little more description. Hopefully, the increased character limit will improve the quality of advertising and discourage advertisers from mainly stuffing a bunch of keywords into their ads, which is almost always too generic and fails to stand out in the crowd. More text can lead to greater visibility if advertisers are successfully capitalizing on the extra character space.
The year of re-marketing
Re-marketing is the practice of developing an ad that essentially follows users across the Internet wherever they go. Obviously, re-marketing requires an incredible level of resources so it is only a real option for those advertisers with the biggest war chests. This kind of PPC advertising has the potential to backfire if it is not carried out with precision as users are liable to get tired of seeing the same ads on repeat. However, if the ad is something the customer is truly interested in, re-marketing will increase the customer’s familiarity with the advertiser’s business. The more familiar a customer is with a business, the more likely a customer is to purchase from the same business. The trick with re-marketing is often determining the level of re-marketing required.
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