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UPDATED: The use of UX methodology for mobile design
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  • Website Design

UPDATED: The use of UX methodology for mobile design

User Experience Design (UX) is a process of augmenting the customer’s experience of interacting with the product by enhancing its accessibility and features. Here is how a company utilizes this design methodology for mobile app development!

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The process of developing a mobile app
  • Mobile Applications

The process of developing a mobile app

As mobile apps continue to gain popularity with consumers, a business and its decision makers might start to consider the possibility of a mobile app being developed for the business.

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Creating a Web App? Read This First.
  • Mobile Applications

Creating a Web App? Read This First.

Building a web app from scratch is no joking matter. It may look simple enough on the surface but things can go south pretty fast if you don’t have a plan. It may perform a simple function like fitness tracking, but creation takes a lot more resilience, considerations and a precise execution of a plan.

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The Difference Between UX And UI Design
  • Mobile Applications
  • Website Design

The Difference Between UX And UI Design

If you are even remotely aware of the digital technology, you would have most certainly heard of the terms UX and UI design that are often used in web designing. While most people like to believe that the twin terms can be used interchangeably, the truth is that both UX and UI are quite different from each other in a number of ways. So, what exactly is it that distinguishes the UX from the UI? Here is a discussion that you might find useful.

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All about Single Page Applications
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All about Single Page Applications

Single Page Applications, or SPAs as they are commonly called are, is a new system if web-designing that is gaining a lot of popularity among web-page creators.

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How Accelerated Mobile Pages Affect SEO
  • Mobile Applications

How Accelerated Mobile Pages Affect SEO

Won’t you prefer web pages that load 6 times faster than usual? With the world becoming dynamic and impatient, users don’t want to wait for more than a couple of seconds for a page to load.

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How Can You Optimize PPC Conversions Through Mobile Strategies?
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How Can You Optimize PPC Conversions Through Mobile Strategies?

A number of studies have shown that mobile traffic and search volume would soon overtake desktop search. According to this source, more people on the planet own a mobile device than a toothbrush!

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What Google’s Latest Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Update Means for Marketers
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What Google’s Latest Mobile-Friendly Algorithm Update Means for Marketers

The online mobile user numbers rose to 40 percent in 2015, prior to which desktop users accounted for 90 percent of online users. Clearly there has been a drastic shift in online user activity toward mobile devices in the recent past, and Google is well aware that its search engine needs to adapt to the increased influx of mobile users. That is exactly why Google rolled out an algorithm update last April. Nicknamed ‘Mobilegeddon’, the algorithm was the very first to consider mobile-friendliness of websites as a ranking signal. A year later, Google just rolled out another update to fine-tune its mobile friendly algorithm.

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The Difference in Mobile-Responsive and Mobile- Adaptive Sites
  • Mobile Applications
  • The OMG Collective
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The Difference in Mobile-Responsive and Mobile- Adaptive Sites

While it’s fairly clear what formulates a mobile-friendly site, there is still some confusion around what makes a site mobile-friendly as opposed to mobile-responsive or mobile-adaptive.

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