Staying connected with family during COVID-19

Staying connected with family during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown our world upside down, social events, sports and public outings have all been canceled. Restaurants and retail stores have closed their doors, and the essential businesses that remain open have marked 6 feet distances when waiting in the checkout line. 

In addition to making their floors, there are signs posted all over to remind customers to keep a 6 feet distance between another shopper. 

Non-essential businesses have employees working from home. Staying connected during COVId 19 means all business meetings and interactions are done via Google Hangouts, Zoom or FaceTime. Because of superb technology and apps, being in constant communication with coworkers is easier than ever, which helps with feeling connected to others during social distancing. 

What is social distancing?

Social distancing is defined as putting space between you and other people to slow the spread of COVID-19. Some methods of social distancing are closing restaurants, schools, retail stores, movie theaters and popular public hangouts. 

All public events have a maximum capacity of 10 people. Another way you can help stop the spread is by staying home and not physically seeing family and friends. 

Staying connected during COVID 19 with long-distance family members

This is a hard time for people, but it is important to do your part and flatten the curve. If you had any plans to visit family who live in another city or state, your plans might have been postponed. Or if your child has a birthday coming up and is hoping to celebrate with friends and family, it is best to postpone and celebrate as a late birthday. 

It is understandable to feel alone during social distancing but there are solutions to combat this feeling. One way of staying connected during COVID 19 with family is to have face-to-face conversations through Google Hangouts, Zoom or FaceTime. Using social media apps such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or Snapchat can tell you what a family member is up to. 

Facebook and Instagram can be used for updates and pictures while TikTok is dances that include family fun. There are viral challenges the whole family can take part in! This is a fun way to get the whole family moving. 

If you and your family are all stuck at home together, plan an outdoor adventure. You can go on bike rides, hikes or walks. Be sure to bring along your phone and take pictures and send them to family members who aren’t close enough to join you! During times like this, social media can help you feel connected with one another. 

Staying connected with your elderly loved one 

With all the technology that we can access at our fingertips, it can be a challenge to get our elderly loved ones to use technology. It’s important to check up on them and make sure that they are feeling well. 

Seniors are at high-risk for getting COVID-19 so virtual visits are a must! You can write down step-by-step directions on how to use their Ipad or Samsung to help them access virtual visits. Another thing for them to do is to download their favorite card games or books to reduce downtime. 

Schedule daily or weekly times to see them virtually and show them pictures from your bike riding or hiking adventure to make them feel included. 

If your elderly loved one is completely against technology, you can always throw it back, and handwrite letters

This crazy pandemic has given everyone a new reality. Remember to stay home, practice social distancing and flatten the curve! Stay safe and enjoy this extended family time! Contact us if you have any questions regarding social media! 

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