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Google Analytics Product Update
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Google Analytics Product Update

Have you heard? Google has been super busy. If you're like us, you're waiting patiently for Google Penguin to release but that's not all Google's been working on behind the scenes. Let's cover a few of the more exciting Google Analytics 360 Suite updates headed your way!

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Is Google Updating? Yes! Penguin Is Imminent
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  • The Vast Universe
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Is Google Updating? Yes! Penguin Is Imminent

There have been some early signs of a Google Search update as of last week. Be it a limited number of sites or the start of something big, some are speculating that it’s an early sign of Google Penguin, though most are not confident that’s the case.

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Mobile Marketing Trends for 2016
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  • The Vast Universe

Mobile Marketing Trends for 2016

Mobile devices without a doubt, have changed our daily lives. We can do everything under the sun without ever getting up from the couch. Email, text, take photographs, get real-time directions, educate ourselves…everything. So what are the newest trends that we’ll start seeing through our mobile devices in 2016? Let’s dive in.

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Is Your Website Ready For Black Friday?
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Is Your Website Ready For Black Friday?

Does your website have what it takes to survive Black Friday? While the scale of opportunity presented by Black Friday is no joke, many businesses -- specifically ecommerce -- fail to adequately prepare their websites for this uptick in traffic. So with the shopping holiday quickly approaching, we've put together a few last-minute tips to ensure your website is ready to handle the influx of traffic and potential sales.

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Cheap Website? It may be costing you more than you realize…
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  • The OMG Collective
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Cheap Website? It may be costing you more than you realize…

We have all heard the phrase "You get what you pay for," right? Building a website for very little may end up costing you more time and money later. Your website is crucial for the success of your business. It is there to help you get potential clients, retain your current clients and make you money around the clock, so why not consider the true return on investment and spend the money to make it great in the first place?

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Omaha Media Group Launches Archistructure Mobile
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Omaha Media Group Launches Archistructure Mobile

Monstrous Media Group is proud to announce the launch of the brand new Archistructure mobile website. The launch comes after a new creative redesign and development project to create a fresh current mobile brand for Archistructure.

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10 Awesome jQuery Mobile Plugins
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10 Awesome jQuery Mobile Plugins

Looking for some new crazy awesome jQuery Mobile plugins to spice up your UI?  Here are 10 crazy cool "optimized for mobile websites" that allow you to perform features such as mobile swipe touch, mobile device detection, mobile browser check, mobile image galleries, mobile drag n drop, mobile touch scroll, mobile ajax calls, mobile css tweaks and more!

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Omaha Media Group Resumes Microsoft Development
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Omaha Media Group Resumes Microsoft Development

Unity3D provides a development environment for building games, and handles technology aspects like graphics, audio, physics, animations, and more. While it has been most successful on mobile devices, Unity3D works across the major consoles, PCs, Macs, and Linux. Unity's Xbox One tools include support for many next-generation features such as enhanced Kinect gestures and recognition, multiplayer matchmaking, [and] SmartGlass.

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