How Can You Optimize PPC Conversions Through Mobile Strategies?


A number of studies have shown that mobile traffic and search volume will soon overtake desktop search. With 80% of all internet traffic coming from a smartphone, compared to 91% from desktops/laptops, this is going to happen, and soon. 

As the fascination of the world with mobile continues, it is becoming imperative for marketers to design marketing strategies that will help to specifically target mobile users. Fun fact: more people on the planet own a mobile device than a toothbrush!

But the same pay per click (PPC) approach that you have been using for desktops might not necessarily work for mobile; find out which strategies will.

Mobile-Specific Ads

Mobile-specific ads, also called mobile-preferred ads, are created by keeping some constraints of mobile phones in mind. Search marketers can create desktop ads and also mobile-preferred ads under the same campaign.

Most ad groups allow you to create an alternative ad version for mobile by specifying your preference for mobile devices for better targeting of mobile visitors. The desktop advertisement will be available as your default. Keep the language crisp and succinct. You may also have to avoid some offers that are available on the desktop in order to keep your mobile ad simple.

Display the PPC ad on the landing page of your website and try to direct the visitors to the landing page. Make the ad keyword rich so that it matches exact/close searches easily and use call-extensions; there is always a chance that the person searching  might want to call you for the service.

Optimize Landing Page Speed for Mobile

If you want to improve chances of clicks and conversions, you will have to make sure that the load time is significantly reduced. People on the go do not always have the patience to wait for pages that take too long to load. Plus, Google rewards pages with quicker page speeds. 

Did you know almost 57% of mobile users leave a website if the landing page takes more than 3 seconds to load. So as you can see, speed plays a huge role in the consumer's buying cycle. Also, almost 30% of online shoppers abandon a transaction if the shopping cart is not mobile-optimized. It's stated that 93% of people who used mobile to research go on to make a purchase.

Landing Page Content

It is important to focus on your ad copy to make sure that it aligns with the landing page. Are your mobile CTAs prominent and easy to click? The language should be conversational and short. 

Make sure that the prospect ends up on the right landing page so that they do not have to move around too much in search of what they are looking for; the easier it is for them to find, they more likely they are to buy. Include FAQs with short videos, “believable” customer testimonials, reviews, or even case studies. Those social sharing options can also come in handy.

Call Trackers

For mobile users, if you are listing telephone numbers, then it is absolutely vital that you track the performance of your campaign by reviewing the leads and conversions against your chosen parameters. You will have to define the conversion of a lead from mobile click-to-call.

These strategies will help you to optimize your PPC campaign and reach your intended targets without overshooting your budget. The rate of conversions will also improve significantly.

Are you interested in creating PPC campaigns?  Contact us today!  {contact-form}

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