What are KPIs?

What are KPIs?

As the leading Omaha marketing agency, before our company sits down with new clients for CSGs, it is imperative for a business to understand and set their own KPIs and goals moving forward. 

Our Omaha marketing agency wants to explain the importance of KPis, what they are and how to set them.

What are KPIs?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are actionable goals and key indicators set in place that help work towards a goal or results. Any KPIs that are set in place for marketing or SEO should be realistic and achievable goals that are agreed upon between the marketer and business owners, decision makers and internal marketing teams! 

A KPI sets the focus for a strategic and operational marketing and SEO strategy moving forward. This helps to analyze the overall marketing goals set in place and how they can be executed properly. 

Let’s use an example of a KPI that a client could set. A client comes in and asks for the ability to track how many orders they are selling each month. The first step is making sure there is a Google Analytics account set in place. The next step is to turn this into marketing and SEO KPIs. 

This could be promotions posted on social media platforms with a trackable URL from Google Analytics. This would let the business know when the goal was achieved from posts on social media. For SEO, a couple of PPC ads with specific landing pages and URLs that are tracked in Google Analytics. 

That example shows that there are two ways of tracking this KPI set in place. Now, as our business tells all clients, set goals that YOUR business wants to achieve and know the understanding behind it. 

A goal that has no meaning behind it other than what others are doing is not going to work for a KPI. This is because it is not tailored specifically to your business’s overall marketing goals and growth plans. 

How to set KPIs

If KPIs need results in clear and concise marketing and SEO goals at the end of the day, how can an internal marketing team or business set these? Oftentimes, our Omaha marketing agency can sit down with clients and evaluate all KPIs and how these KPIs can be hit. 

These are a couple of steps for a business owner, decision makers and internal marketing team to consider before setting KPIs. 

The first step is to be clear on the goal. It does not matter what other businesses might be doing because it might not directly relate to your business. Do not use the numbers you have now to set these goals. Make new ones. 

Keep it  simple folks. A goal can easily be tracked with a Google Analytics account and a landing page. A PPC ad can be tracked with the right strategies set in place. A KPI could be to get more website traffic. 

The next step is to always stick with the KPIs. If they are constantly changing there is not a clear and concise way to track and show if these can be hit while growth continues! 

As always our team is here to help navigate your team through any issues and set KPIs. 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

