
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

All You Need to Know about AI-Enabled Personal Assistant Technolgy
  • The Vast Universe

All You Need to Know about AI-Enabled Personal Assistant Technolgy

You might have heard of artificial intelligence or AI, and thought, now that sounds so futuristic, like something from a science fiction movie, right? You would be surprised to know you might already be using AI technology in your everyday life without even realizing it.

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How to Optimize Content for a World Driven by Voice-Tech?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How to Optimize Content for a World Driven by Voice-Tech?

Typing in keywords to get a list of relevant results on search engines is something that has always been there. This forms the very premise of SEO, which is used widely by brands to drive traffic--both organic and paid-- to their website.

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4 SEO Mistakes That Can Cost Marketers Their Business
  • SEO and Search Marketing

4 SEO Mistakes That Can Cost Marketers Their Business

The owner of every business, big or small, should be able to savvy the importance of SEO in today's competitive digital space. Already a lot has been said and talked about the dynamic search engine algorithms, which make SEO no less than a cut and dry method of boosting digital presence.

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The Dos and Don’ts of Instagram Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

The Dos and Don’ts of Instagram Marketing

Instagram Marketing is more-so a marathon, not a sprint. Be sure to follow these dos and don'ts to ensure the success of your marketing strategy.

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How Advanced AI Technology Is Changing Social Media Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How Advanced AI Technology Is Changing Social Media Marketing

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has been making a slow and steady progress in becoming integral to everyday life. Most people do not even realize they are interacting or using AI, especially on social media, even though they interact with the technology on a regular basis. How is this infusion of AI in social media affecting marketing on social media platforms?

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Graphic Design Versus Branding
  • Graphic Design

Graphic Design Versus Branding

Today’s world is defined by choices. Whatever be the product that we wish to buy, be it pins or planes, there are a variety of options available. How then does a customer make a decision?

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Four Great Tips on How to Use Instagram Stories for Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Four Great Tips on How to Use Instagram Stories for Marketing

According to Statista, Instagram Stories have 300 million active users every day. As a business, you cannot ignore Instagram Stories as it gives you the potential to engage with a larger audience. Since the introduction of this content with a 24-hour lifespan, it has gone on to become one of the most popular features of Instagram. 

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Graphic Design Tips For Beginners
  • Graphic Design

Graphic Design Tips For Beginners

Having knowledge of the basic concepts of graphic design can prove beneficial in a plethora of industries. Business operators, entrepreneurs, social media-gurus, students and even researchers often need to present information in clear, concise and eye-catching fashion. Be it graphics for blogs or corporate presentations on projects, having someone with graphic design experience will prove extremely useful.

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Common Pitfalls in Entrepreneurship
  • Business

Common Pitfalls in Entrepreneurship

The rigors and failures of entrepreneurship are often hidden under the glare of its glamor and glory. Entrepreneurs need to have a variety of knowledge and skills to make their business stand. This requires complete commitment and a lot of self-discipline.

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