Four top website priorities in 2019 - Pt 2

Four top website priorities in 2019 - Pt 2

On Monday, January 28th we talked about two of the most important technical priorities you must make for your website in 2019.

Security and web safety are crucial. By taking simple steps to ensure the security of both your website and user, an SSL certificate can benefit you greatly. Not only with trustworthiness, but with search engine rankings.

Search engine rankings are heavily dependant on the mobile-friendliness of your website. With Google implementing mobile-first indexing in late 2018, it’s no secret the mobile world has and will continue to affect several businesses online.

Now that you understand the top two priorities on the back end of your website, what should you prioritize on your website?

When determining the top two priorities for your website, it all came down to two things. Trust and reliability.


Content is a very broad term in the world of website design. Content is everything from the words on the page to the videos and photos you share.

Content is no longer king. It’s everything.

Your entire website and brand is judged based on the content it hosts. Quality, helpful content must take precedence over excessive, filler content any day of the week.

Your audience is only interested in the good stuff. Content that is visually appealing, interesting, helpful and entertaining. Your audience is not interested in average content that doesn’t benefit them in any way.

Humans are smart. They know the difference between content you want to put out there and content you think you need to put out there.

Why is my content struggling?

View your content through the eyes of your audience. If your content is heavily branded, salesy or promotional, consider it a turn off.  Moreover, content that is too off topic can make your website seem disjointed.

2019 is all about trust. Provide your audience content that showcases your business’ experience, expertise and the human side of your brand.

How do I make good content?

First and foremost, be a human. Remember, people do business with people, not companies. If you produce content on your website that is helpful, educational or beneficial to your audience, you’ll be in a great spot.

How-tos, FAQs and problem-solving pieces show your expertise in your industry and aide in giving your audience someone to trust.


Customer testimonials are a serious pat on the back. As much as we strive for incredible search engine rankings and social platform engagement, customer testimonials mean the most to us.

As we’ve mentioned, 2019 is all about trust. Consumers trust other consumers. Showcasing the testimonials from your customers offers your trustworthiness to future customers!

How do I get a customer testimonial?

Ask for it! If you’ve delivered the value of service you’ve promised, asking for a good review or testimonial right away is perfectly acceptable! Customers are more often than not, happy to give a good testimonial if they feel they’ve received stellar work or a great product.

Additionally, follow up with your clients. Nurture the professional relationship you have with them and they’ll be excited to share the helpfulness of your business.

Most importantly, make it easy for your customers to leave you a testimonial.

How do I get the customer testimonial I want?

Simply, ask the questions you want answers to. Ask what you customers liked about the product or service they were provided and if they’d recommend it. If they would, ask them why.

Prioritizing the trust and reliability of your audience will not only benefit your website, but your consumer experience. By putting the needs and wants ahead of a sales pitch in your content, you’ll develop a reliable reputation and a consumer that trusts in your brand.

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

