Startups should blog

Startups should blog

Defining the word “startup” can be a bit complex. Especially when you hear that a monster company like Facebook is referred to as a startup, just as the smaller scale company, LifeLoop, is. A conundrum, right?

Co-founder and CEO of, Will Schroter, defines a startup as “a human institution designed to create a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty.”

In most cases, a startup, is a company in the early stages of its development. Generally self-funded and made up of a small team.

The main objectives for a startup? To solve a problem and grow.

Ian Wright, founder of Merchant Machine says, “To me, a startup is any company that has a goal to grow and scale, usually quickly and using technology to do so.”

So, how does a startup gain traction? How do they become relevant in its infancy?


The large majority of startup companies understand the importance of standing out in our digital world. Be it through social media campaigns, Kickstarter buzz or YouTubing, doing whatever you can to get in front of an audience is crucial to your growth as a startup.

One of the most overlooked ways to grow your startup is through blogging.

Through a startup blog, you have greater potential to drive organic traffic to your website specific to your niche. In fact, blogging startup companies oftentimes gain a loyal audience quicker than a startup that doesn’t.

By having a search-optimized blog, you’re setting yourself up to succeed.

The value of expertise.

Another benefit to having a blog for your startup business is the ability to share your expertise. When conversations are started and you gain an audience, you begin to build trust from your audience.

Customers are willing to put their trust into industry experts excited to educate and engage with them. This shows a level of transparency to customers and allows them to value your knowledge and product more.

Any time a startup business can answer questions and solve problems for their intended audience, the better.

Sharing success.

Having a blog for your startup is one of the easiest ways for your team to share the success of your growing business!

While having a blog to share industry updates, product knowledge and service features is userful, utilizing the space to share any victories your startup has is well worth it.

Blogging your success shows legitimacy, growth and that your brand is trustworthy. We’re firm believers in that there’s never too big of a humble brag. Be proud of the successes you have and share it!

Whether you’re a startup team of 10 to tens of thousands, getting on board with a blog is a great way to create a conversation with your audience and build brand reputation. Use the platform to educate, inform and humble brag. Develop a following and your startup has a greater potential to impact the community you serve.

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

