Four top website priorities in 2019 - Pt 1

Four top website priorities in 2019 - Pt 1

If you’ve decided your company website needs updating in 2019, it’s hard to know what you should take care of first.

Does design matter the most? Is it the content you put out? Maybe it’s as simple as adding social media buttons? While all of these are important, they’re not the most critical parts of your website.

Out of all the updates your business should be doing to your website, we’ve prioritized the top three for you.


This is single-handedly the most important thing your business needs to manage in the new year. If your website does not have an SSL certificate, you are at risk for Google flagging your website as unsafe for users to navigate.

Google is committed to securing a safer internet for the world to use, and we’ve got to say, we commend them for that. By enforcing SSL requirements, it’s forcing businesses everywhere to be cognizant of online security.

What is an SSL certificate exactly?

This web server based certificate activates a secure connection between the browser being used to navigate a website and the server the web content is coming from. In layman's terms, it prevents a decently skilled hacker from accessing your private information like credit card numbers, address and passwords.

How do you know if you have an SSL certificate?

Simple. If your website address begins with https:// then you have an SSL certificate and your website is safe. If your website address lacks the “s” (http://) then your site is not locked down with an SSL.

How do I get an SSL certificate?

First, talk with your web host. Many of them provide SSL certificates at no cost for a boost in business. Other hosting companies charge an annual fee.

If you don’t know who to talk to regarding the safety of your website, our greatest advice would be to communicate with a professional web developer. A professional will determine the best way to obtain an SSL certificate for your website and provide insight as to other safety precautions you can take on your site.

Mobile friendly.

The second thing you must prioritize in your website update is ensuring its mobile-friendliness. There is no denying that the present day internet is reliant on mobile devices.

In fact, Google is ranking mobile-friendly websites higher than non-mobile friendly websites through their mobile-first indexing algorithm. This means, if your website is not considered mobile friendly, it will not rank higher in search engines than a site that is.

Businesses would hate to lose search engine rankings to their competition all because of mobile-friendliness.

Keep in mind, you may see you’re not getting the mobile traffic you thought you would. Perhaps you’re not gaining the traffic because mobile-first indexing has already impacted your search results? They go hand-in-hand.

How do I know if my website is mobile friendly?

Google offers a free mobile-friendly test here. This is by far the simplest way to identify the status of your site in addition to any page-loading issues that might be present.

If your website navigation is difficult to access, pages are slow to load and forms are difficult to fill out on a mobile device, chances are your site is not mobile friendly.

How do I make my website mobile friendly?

In order to have a mobile friendly website, your best bet is to invest in a new website designed specifically to respond equally on a mobile device and computer. We can assure you it’s worth the time and money.

There are many ways to improve your website, aesthetically and technically. However, prioritizing the improvements is an essential piece of your website’s success. By making improvements, minor or otherwise, you’re offering a better experience for your users.

Keep up with us on Wednesday, January 30th, for two more website priorities in 2019!

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