
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

SEO Notes: What is happening in the SEO industry
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SEO Notes: What is happening in the SEO industry

There is a common phrase in our industry that goes kind of like, "SEO is always changing." And as one of our clients has said before, "there is always a new update, algorithm or something else." That is right because Google is ALWAYs updating at least once a day. Here are the top trends and changes happening in our industry!

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Case Study: The process of ranking for national keywords
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Case Study: The process of ranking for national keywords

A case study of how Monstrous Media Group has helped this client rank for national keywords in six months with our Omaha SEO agency methods and a bit of trust from our client!

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Bing versus Google SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Bing versus Google SEO

While a majority our of SEO strategies focus on Google search engine, there are alternative search engines that a company could be missing ranking on! Are more of your consumers on Bing than Google? If so, what is the different strategies needed for SEO?

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Bias in search recommender systems
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Bias in search recommender systems

A search recommender provides a searcher content that is suggested for their search query; however, does this system display results fairly?

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Video content and SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Video Production

Video content and SEO

It is estimated that video content will continue to garner attention from social media to SEO! With over five billion videos watched everyday, here is how a company can use video content to help with SEO.

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