SEO Notes: What is happening in the SEO industry

SEO Notes: What is happening in the SEO industry

Monstrous Media Group is a leading Omaha SEO agency that specializes in on-page, off-page and technical SEO strategies! Because of this, every four to six weeks our experts evaluate current keywords, page ranking, send out our SEO reports and review backlinking strategies that are set in place. 

The thing with SEO is that not all of our clients have the same contracts, which means that each client has its own set of strategies that need to take place. Each client is in their own industry and competing against a landscape of other companies who are also implementing SEO strategies! 

With that being said, SEO itself isn’t always changing, it is the Google Core Updates and algorithms, keywords, their volume, the competition, the backlinks and so many other factors that often leave companies saying that “SEO is always changing.” 

Here is what is happening in the SEO industry that all companies should currently be aware of! These changes each month can negatively impact ranking or vice versa! 

Possible update? 

It was assumed that around June 18, that there was an update that was released due to so many companies seeing such Google Volatility levels and drops in their ranking! 

While there was not an official statement made in our industry, a number of companies in a broad range of industries have noticed an influx in their website traffic and organic ranking with high a Google Volatility level. 

While this was not a massive update, if there was one, companies were noticing as much as a 20 percent decrease in their current ranking. 

This can be caused by Google releasing a small enough update that there would be no need to release an official statement, or on the other hand, sometimes Google rolls back on their Core Algorithm Updates due to massive changes in their SERP. 

This can be an indication for our industry that a July Core Update is on the verge of rolling out. 

Increase in online usage 

One of the most important factors to see as the pandemic continues around the globe is online usage and website traffic. Monstrous Media Group, the best SEO company, has noticed an increase in website traffic and online usage. 

Research shows that a number of companies are continuing to show an increase in their online website traffic compared to their January and February numbers. 

The increase in a number of these industries is as high as 10 percent. This only continues to show that consumers are still turning to the digital world to purchase their products, and how it has never been more important to have a strong SEO strategy and footprint in search engines across the board. 

With an increase in website traffic, a client often asks about the type of content that should be published and why. Our recommendation is to consider this question, “what would my audience want to know right now?” What is important to them, because without them, there is no company! 

From there, this content can be optimized and this provides companies an advantage to update their current website content because of one of the latest updates! 

Another update?! 

The proper on-page optimization on your company’s website with updated content is something all companies should be thinking about. 

In the latest update to improve search queries, the direct answer to a search result will be highlighted in the content on Google’s Search Engine.

 As of now, there is no priority on the placement of the content whether it be in the beginning, middle or bottom of a page. It does show the relevant keyword phrases and the content is going to continue to be imperative for proper ranking in their SERP. 

“What should we do?”

As a leading Omaha SEO agency, our recommendation would be to hone in on any digital strategies that your company can offer. Now is the time to make sure all marketing dollars are currently being utilized. As more and more companies are switching to remote work and full-time remote work, is that billboard worth it? 

These are still uncharted territories for all companies, but it is imperative to understand that SEO has never been more important. 

As Google continues to release new software and updates that are beneficial to small and large companies from Google My Business accounts to Google Ads credits, companies need to hone in on their digital marketing strategies and continue to implement them in an effort to be ahead if there is a “second -wave” of COVID-19.

For help with any digital marketing strategies including SEO and social media marketing efforts, contact the best SEO company in Omaha today! 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

