Website Pet Peeves

At Monstrous Media Group, we love to problem solve. There is nothing more satisfying than identifying a weakness, assessing the issue and solving it.
Website design and development is no exception. Oftentimes, entrepreneurs cannot objectively view their company website to see if its working to connect with their targeted audience. Going through the stages of building a website is a labor of love. A bias lens creates an attachment during web development. When that attachment grows, the flaws and user experience can go overlooked.
Consider the following website pet peeves as you engage in the beginning stages of a new website design. Then, ask yourself if your current website features any of the following?
Slow loading pages
In today's age, we’re impatient beings. If a web page requires more than three seconds to load, a user will move on to a different website.
Did you know Google now uses page speed as an SEO ranking factor?
To ensure your website loads at optimal speeds, we highly recommend running a speed test! If your page runs slow, it’s time to find a solution! Not only will your users thank you, but also Google.
Splash pages
A splash page is a “teaser” before a user enters a website. They often display a promotion, disclaimer or other information. However, the bounce rate of a splash page is astronomical. In our opinion, ditch the splash page and get to the “meat and potatoes” of your content.
We’ve all stumbled across a website that still uses Flash graphics on their website, but you’re not able to view it. While this was an innovative feature back in its day, it’s now severely outdated. Today, less than eight percent of websites use it. If your website is in this small club, it’s time to consider a new website.
“Vintage” websites
Did you know Google uses mobile-friendliness as an SEO ranking factor? If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you can guarantee the user experience is frustrating.
Mobile search has officially surpassed desktop search. When a user attempts to use your website from a mobile device, they’ll likely move on to a different company and you risk them never returning.
Auto-playing music
Nothing will get a website closed out quicker than music playing automatically. This was a huge trend in the early 2000s, but it has swiftly come and gone. With mobile surfing being as dominant as it is, web surfing is done anywhere at any time.
Poor visuals and design
Did you know a website is most often the first impression of your business? Having a clear, concise design and thorough content will quickly convey who you are as a company and a brand.
Complex dropdowns, an overabundance of scrolling elements and poor font choice all can contribute to the demise of your website.
By having a professional web designer study your ideal client and their mindset, a custom website can be a sure bet on gaining my clients and keeping them on your website.
While often times pet peeves can be minor annoyances, in the digital world they can truly affect your business in a negative way. By staying as relevant as you possibly can in SEO and design trends, you’ll have much greater success than hanging out in the past.
Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.
We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!