
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

When should I update my website?
  • Website Design
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When should I update my website?

If your website has hit the three-year mark, it is time for an update! Here are three signs it is time.

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Four website design tips to improve your commercial website
  • Website Design
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Four website design tips to improve your commercial website

In the digital world, it is all about a seamless experience, but with an outdated website, this seamless experience is almost impossible to achieve. Here are four website design tips to improve your commercial website design for the long run!

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Hospitality industry moves to online space
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • Website Design
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Hospitality industry moves to online space

You don't need to reach everyone on the internet with your digital transformation, but with these elements in place, you will bring in the right ones!

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Six actionable tips for a successful UI design
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Six actionable tips for a successful UI design

User Interface design or UI design is one of the most important aspects of developing a website. User experiences are one of the key aspects in driving traffic to a website and it is only natural that the UI design is simple, dynamic and user friendly. When it comes to UI designing, there are a couple of things that a designer must keep in mind.

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UPDATED: 9 essential must-haves for your website
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

UPDATED: 9 essential must-haves for your website

Having a new website built is not an easy task! There is a lot of thought and strategy that goes into your website to make a good user experience for your potential clients and customers. Below we have the nine essential must-haves for your website redesign.

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The latest updates on ExpressionEngine6
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The latest updates on ExpressionEngine6

From security to seamless updates, there are plenty of reasons why we choose EE over the competition, and these are the biggest reasons why.

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UPDATED: Why you shouldn’t design your own website
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

UPDATED: Why you shouldn’t design your own website

You spent hours working on this failed DIY cake only to throw it away. Now there are times that you will find yourself with one gem, but out of how many other thrown away cakes? Think of your DIY website as the cake that failed. These are the reasons why you shouldn’t DIY your website and call an expert instead!

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UPDATED: What is understood by Interactive Design?
  • Client Resources
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

UPDATED: What is understood by Interactive Design?

Monstrous Media Group, one of the leading Omaha web design companies, is here to explain what interactive design is, its differences with other design notions and tips for an interactive web design. 

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